Ember groaned, throwing his arm over his face, then nodded.
Smiling, I cleaned off my hand first before starting on his abdomen, saving his cock for last.
Once his belly was free of cum, I focused on his cock, wrapping my tongue around his width as I licked every inch of him clean. He was big for sure, and I enjoyed having my mouth around him.
I sat up when there wasn't a drop of cum left, and beamed at him. "There. All done."
He'd removed his arm from his face at some point, and I couldn't quite read the look on his face. "You didn't mind it? Doing that?"
I blinked, confused. "Why would I mind? I offered, didn't I?"
Ember nodded, but he still looked a little stumped, so I straddled him, then lay down on top of him, folded my arms on his chest, and rested my chin on them. "What's this about?"
He gazed into my eyes, then sighed once as Cam slid his arm over my back, cuddling into our sides.
"I guess some people don't really like how big I am. Or at least not when it comes to blowjobs."
Cam growled, his voice more dragon than human, then leaned up on his elbow to look at Ember.
"You listen to me, Ember. If you hadn't explicitly told us you didn't like blowjobs, I'd have had you in my mouth the first time we were in bed together. Whoever told you that clearly wasn't worthy of your cock anyway. If you want us to, Kai and I willworshipyour cock the way it deserves to be. But if that's notsomething you want, that's okay too, as long as you really don't enjoy it and aren't just saying so because you think we wouldn't want to."
Ember looked stunned, and honestly, so was I. Cam almost never sounded as stern as he did right then, and it was enough to show Ember that he meant it.
"Maybe next time?" he asked hesitantly, and Cam grinned before leaning down to kiss Ember.
"Just you wait," he said when he pulled back, his smile firmly back in place. "I'll rock your world."
I didn't doubt his claim at all, and one look at Ember told me neither did he.
Leaning down, I gave Ember a soft kiss before moving to my previous spot on Micah's other side, and Cam settled between Micah and Ember.
Ember turned on his side and wrapped his arms around Cam, and I did the same with Micah, then clasped my hand around Ember's so we were touching as well.
He smiled at me, and I loved how content he looked. I'd miss him when he had to leave, but knowing he'd be back in six months would help. Hopefully.
"That was so much better than flying around in the sky," Cam declared after a moment, and I smiled as my eyes slid shut, sleep pulling at me now that all my mates were comfy and in bed with me.
"Good night. I love you both," I said, forcing my eyes open so I could look at them.
Cam turned to smile at me, then blew me a kiss. "Night, Kai. Love you too."
"I love you too," Ember added, then glanced at Cam. "You too."
"I love you as well, my sweet Ember."
Pressing a kiss against Micah's temple, I murmured an 'I love you' for him as well, hoping he'd hear me in his dreams.
Then I switched off the lamps and cuddled into him, finally letting sleep drag me into darkness as I felt a small weight hop onto the bed before walking over to curl up on Micah's chest while a bigger weight settled at our feet.
I was so glad we had such a massive bed.
Eight Months Later
"Okay, okay, okay, he's coming!" Cam said as he rushed around the room, apparently unable to contain his excitement.