Page 12 of Cam's Treasure

It was only when my stomach growled loudly that Micah pulled back, forcing me to drop my arms.

"Come on. Let's get dressed. It's almost time for lunch."

Had we been in the shower for close to a whole hour? Or had I spent longer holding Micah just now than I realized?

Shaking my head, I straightened up and waved Micah off when he offered to dress me, taking the clothes from him and doing it myself, even if my limbs felt twice their weight and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and curl up with my mate.

Instead, I waited for him to finish dressing—he picked a plain navy blue shirt with a sparkly sheen to it that reached halfway down his thighs, and white leggings that clung to him like a second skin—before taking his hand in mine.

Micah smiled at me, then leaned forward to kiss me softly. My heart picked up the pace from where it'djustreturned to a normal rhythm, but he pulled away before the kiss could start leading somewhere.

"Come on. I need to feed my dragon."



When we arrived downstairs, we were greeted by a passionate rendition of a popular pop song.

While Raiden had many wonderful talents, singing was unfortunately not one of them.

Cam made a face as I bit back a chuckle, and we cautiously made our way to the kitchen.

Raiden was cleaning up as he sang. Big, bulky headphones covered his ears, and I could hear the music from here.

I flushed as I realized why he was wearing them. After being away from home for so long, I'd gotten used to not worrying about who might be able to hear us. Fuck.

Pressing a kiss to my cheek, Cam let go of my hand and walked over to the other side of the counter, waving at Raiden when he finally spotted him.

Raiden grinned as he pulled the headphones off, then shook his head, sending his white hair into disarray.

"Cam," he greeted in a voice just a little too loud, and Cam chuckled.

"Hey, DD. Sorry about—" He waved at the headphones, utterly shameless as he apologized. It was one of the things about him that drove me crazy sometimes but also made me love him more. Nothing embarrassed him or made him feel flustered. Ever.

"Honey, I'm home!" Cam's dad, William, called from the front door, and Raiden's eyes lit up as he hurried around the counter.

Even all these years later, Cam's dads were as much in love as they were when I first met them.

Cam and I were both lucky to be raised by such caring people. I'd heard more than a few horror stories from people whose parents couldn't tolerate each other. I couldn't imagine growing up in a house like that. For all their faults, my birth parents had liked each other, but their love was nothing compared to Cam or my dads'.

Cam and I knew what true love was supposed to feel like, not only because we felt it for each other, but because our homes had been full of it.

Most days, I didn't think much about my past, about my birth parents or Ravenshire, the mage island I was born on. But now I sent up a silent thank-you to whoever was responsible for crossing my path with Aeron’s, the mage I was imprisoned with, and who escaped and asked my dads if they'd rescue me.

As William stepped into the kitchen, Raiden pulled him into a hug, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. The sight made me smile, and I dragged Cam over to the other side of the counter to give them a moment.

While they had a soft, murmured conversation, Cam and I set the table for lunch, then carried all the food over.

William excused himself to wash up as Raiden joined us, taking a seat at the head of the table.

Cam scooped out some stew into two bowls for us; then Raiden did the same. I split the bread between us, and William returned, taking his seat beside Raiden and kissing his cheek, his salt-and-pepper hair still wet from the shower.

As we ate, Cam kept up a steady conversation, telling his dads about some of our other adventures. Like the time we'd gotten lost and somehow both our phones had died. After searching for a familiar street or building for a while, Cam had finally shifted into his dragon form and took off into the air to find the way back. I hadn't really been scared, though, because I'd known Cam would figure something out. He always did.

Once our meal was finished, Cam and I shared a glance. Giving me a nod, he turned to his dads, his focus on Raiden as he started speaking. "DD, there's something we—"

"Kids, we wanted to—" William spoke at the same time, and then they both stopped talking, blinking at each other.