I'd never imagined getting my coat stolen would lead me to this moment, and now that I had it safely back in my possession, I was glad it'd been, because who knew how long it would've taken me to find these three amazing men otherwise?
I heard Micah's voice through the sleepy fog in my brain, wishing me a good night, and I smiled as I drifted off, hoping they'd have the best dreams as well.
It'd been three weeks since we got my coat back, and I was in heaven.
I'd never really thought about what it would be like to find my fated mate, hadn't wanted to become one of those supes who spent every day just waiting. But no matter what I'd thought mated life would be like, the reality was far, far better.
Micah had started going back to work, and Ember also had his businesses to look after, while Cam and I had jumped in headfirst into my tourism idea.
Cam had of course managed to bring his dads on board, and while Raiden seemed to think it was a good idea, he'd given the reins of the project to Cam and me.
It'd surprised Cam, mostly because I got the feeling people tended to think he wouldn't be responsible because of his personality.
Raiden clearly trusted him, because he'd given Cam full power over the project, and since it was my idea, Cam had insisted we do it together.
Micah and Ember had chipped in ideas too, and while this wasn't something we could do in a matter of days or even months, we'd already started making plans.
"I don't think we should involve the park. That's Elian's space," Cam said as he stared down at a map of Mistvale he'd printed off his computer. It was our 'thinking map,' as he liked to call it, and it was full of notes in Cam's messy handwriting as we came up with ideas.
We were in the kitchen, using the dining table as our workspace even though there were like two extra rooms in this house we could use. But we'd wanted to be downstairs to keep Jodi company and so we'd know the moment one of our mates got home.
"Yeah, that's true. I got the feeling he isn't a people person. Then again, no one would like strangers trampling all over their home."
"Exactly. So the park is off limits. We could do some fun things at the docks and the river's edge. Hmm...do you think I could convince Firey to do some shows?" When I stared at him blankly, he clarified. "He's a dolphin shifter. We could get him to do tricks."
I rolled my eyes at him, and he grinned, clearly not serious about the idea.
Glancing over at the clock, I brightened when I saw it was almost seven.
"Micah and Ember will be home soon," I said, and Cam sighed happily.
"Yep. Thank God Ember only has to leave once a week, or I'd convince him to sell all his businesses. Except the restaurant," he amended, and I had to agree. We'd gone to the restaurant where Ember took them for their first date, and it was an amazing experience. I wouldn't mind going there again.
"Honeys, I'm home," Micah called from the front room in a completely deadpan voice, making me snort. He and Cam had a bet going that if Micah could do that for a week straight, Cam would do anything he asked. We were on day three, and I had a feeling Micah would win.
"Princess! Welcome home!" Cam raced out of the kitchen, and I followed after him with a chuckle.
Since his boss was also a supe, Micah used Saaya's shadow magic to travel to and from work, shortening his commute to mere seconds.
Saaya slinked off to find Jodi as I joined my two mates, and Cam pulled back from the enthusiastic kiss he'd been sharing with Micah and started telling him about all the ideas we'd come up with today, including the dolphin show.
Micah held a hand out to me, and I took it with a smile, leaning forward to press my lips to his. He clamped his other hand onto my waist, pulling me closer, and I hummed into his mouth, my eyes fluttering shut as he slid his tongue into my mouth.
"Fuck, you two look so hot together," Cam murmured, and Micah's lips curved against mine.
Feeling left out, Cam?he asked through the link.
"Nah. I'm enjoying the show," Cam said, and I could tell he meant it. He'd told me all about his and Micah's first time with Ember—with a lot of details—and how Micah had watched instead of participating actively, and I wondered if Cam wanted to do that too.
You like watching us?Micah asked again through the link as his lips left mine to trail down my neck, leaving soft kisses and sharp, there-and-gone bites.
"Fuck yes."
Pulling back, Micah smiled at me, his eyes dark with desire.