Magical artifacts were spread out all over the room, resting on shelves and tables. There was a corner that looked like a work space, with herbs, bits of cloth, and other things that I didn't pay too much attention to as my eyes searched for my coat.
It's here. I can feel it.I took a step deeper into the room.
Cam's eyes flashed over to Ember.Watch our backs.
Ember nodded, and Cam waved at me to walk forward. I let the pull of magic guide me as I proceeded, Cam sticking close to my side.
There, I thought as I spotted a familiar gray coat, folded up and stashed in one of the shelves like it was nothing.
I rushed forward, and I'd almost grabbed it when someone entered the room through a door we hadn't noticed before since it seemed to disappear into the wall as it closed, one of the men who worked for Osric standing there with his arm raised.
He splayed his fingers, sending a bolt of magic toward me, and Cam jerked me back moments before it could hit me. The magic crashed into the shelves at our backs, sending some things tumbling to the floor.
Another man spilled out of the secret door, and two more appeared through the door we'd come, probably alerted by the noise.
Cam pressed me into Ember's chest, then pushed Micah toward us as well, growling menacingly as he glared at the mages standing in front of him.
The mages from the secret door sent more magic our way, and since it would hit us if Cam stepped out of the way, he stepped forward instead. Somehow, he seemed to absorb the magic instead of getting hurt, and he flung his hand out, sending magic back at the mages that I could clearly sense, not only because my senses were sharper with my coat so close, but because he seemed to have mixed his dragon magic into the mages' magic. I hadn't known he could do that.
I turned around as one of the two mages at our back stepped forward, and Ember sent up a wall of flames, blocking their path. When I glanced back, both mages were slumped on the floor in a heap, and Cam didn't look any worse for wear.
Walking closer, he checked me over, his green eyes bright. "You okay?"
I nodded, and he checked on Micah as well before walking through the wall of flames and dealing with the other two mages as Ember extinguished his fire.
I was so caught up in watching Cam's absolute magnificence that I didn't notice the newcomer, and neither did Ember orMicah. Not until something cold and icy slammed into my back, sending me crashing to the floor. Fuck, that ice magic was familiar.
Forcing myself to move, I turned around, spotting Osric standing near the secret door in nothing but a robe.
It's him, I said into the bond, a shot of fear racing through me.
His eyes fell on me, and his brows shot up, surprise flashing across his face. "You survived. You shouldn't have come here, you stupid fish."
Before he could do anything, Cam let out a loud roar. A very inhuman roar, and I felt the house shake as a dome of flames covered Micah, Ember, and me, protecting us from the falling debris as Cam shifted into his dragon form in a room much too small to contain him.
Osric's eyes widened in fear, and he took a step back. Before he could tuck tail and run back through the secret door, Ember blocked it off with another wall of fire, stopping Osric in his tracks.
Realizing he couldn't escape this, Osric shot a powerful spell toward Cam. Like before, it did nothing as it hit Cam, simply soaked into his scales, making them gleam brighter for a moment.
Cam retaliated with a flick of his tail that sent Osric to the floor as Micah and Ember helped me up, though I couldn't pull my eyes away from the fight, and neither could they.
Kai, you okay?Cam asked through the link, and it took me a moment to get my mind in working order.
Yes, yes, I'm okay. You're amazing.
Glad you're impressed, he said, his mind-voice coming off smug and completely at ease, as if he wasn't in the middle of a fight.
Focus, Cam, Micah told him, and Cam turned his head to flash us a toothy grin.
Yes, princess.
While he chatted with us, Osric had gathered himself, and he sent another bolt of ice magic at Cam that he once again absorbed. He'd never mentioned having this power before, and I wondered if it was something he'd just discovered.
Cam had sent Osric's magic back at him once more, freezing the mage in place.
Osric crashed back into a worktable, then slid to the floor, his eyes wide as he stared up at Cam. I realized with a start he'd used some kind of immobilization spell that was now keeping him trapped. Had he planned to capture Cam? To try to steal his magic like he'd stolen mine?
Kai, get your coat,Cam said in my mind, jerking me into action.