Page 67 of Cam's Treasure

"Are you okay?" Ember asked as he peered down at me when I finally forced myself to pull away, and I shrugged.

"Sorry. Bad dream."

"It's okay. I'm just glad I could help," he said with that gentle smile of his, and I smiled back hesitantly before glancing away.

Shifting on the bed, I realized how sweaty I was, and wrinkled my nose, pulling the wet shirt away from my skin.

"A warm bath might help," Ember suggested, and I nodded, quickly sliding out of the bed. "I'll get you some fresh clothes."

Standing up, Ember started digging around the closet, and I realized it was the same one Cam had given me clothes from, and I blinked, then glanced around. " this your room? Like the three of you."

Ember turned to me with a stack of clothes, and I took it from him automatically. "Well, I moved in just today, but yes, this is the master bedroom."

"Oh. I didn't realize. Sorry about..." I waved at the twisted sheets that were certainly as sweaty as my own clothes. I'd walked into the first bedroom I'd found earlier, too tired to look around as I'd crawled under the sheets and fallen asleep.

"It's no problem. You're welcome to sleep here again, or you can take one of the guest rooms if you'd rather sleep alone."

The easy smile on Ember's face told me he was fine with either option, and I nodded before hurrying off into the bathroom.

After a warm bath—despite my nightmare, it felt good to be back in water—I changed into slightly too-big clothes, dried my hair with the towel, and then made my way downstairs.

I blinked at the living room, wondering just how long I'd slept. The previously spacious living room was now a maze of boxes, and I stood there staring at them for way too long before Ember called my name from somewhere behind the boxes. Making my way through, I found an open sliding glass door leading into the backyard, where Ember and Micah sat on the porch in similar armchairs, their hands wrapped around steaming mugs while Cam threw a frisbee for Jodi, their giant dog.

"Will you sit with us for a bit?" Micah asked, glancing up at me with dark eyes, and I nodded, taking the empty chair that faced the backyard.

Ember removed the lid covering a mug on the table, then held it for a moment before offering it to me. "Here. It's hot chocolate."

I stared at the mug for a moment before hastily taking it from him. A careful sip had me humming as the thick, warm liquid slid down my throat, and I gave him a small smile. "Thank you."

Ember smiled back at me, then turned to look as Cam started laughing loudly.

I followed his gaze, and something like fondness filled my chest as I watched Cam get lovebombed by Jodi. He was on his back on the ground, and Jodi stood over him, licking his face and neck and any bit of skin she could find.


I glanced away from the spectacle, turning to Micah, who was watching me hesitantly.


He exhaled shakily, and my brows furrowed. He'd seemed anxious since the moment I mentioned Ravenshire, and I got the feeling he had a past in that place.

"Can I ask how long you were there? In Ravenshire?"

I shook my head, turning my gaze to my mug. "Not long. A few days, I think. Just enough for me to let my guard down. I never should've gone there. It was stupid of me."

My parents would've been ashamed of me if they were still alive. After all they'd taught me about keeping myself and my coat safe, I'd let Osric trick me so easily.

"It wasn't stupid," Ember murmured, placing his warm palm between my shoulder blades, then rubbing up and down my back. "He took advantage of your trust. You're not to blame."

I wished I could believe Ember, but I should've been more careful. I shouldn't have let Osric's sweet words fool me. Was I making the same mistake again with these three?

But they had no reason to. I was nothing without my magic, and had no worth to them. Not unless I really was their mate.

My eyes jerked up to meet Micah's as I remembered he was a telepath, and his brows furrowed before he shook his head.

"If you're worried I'm reading your thoughts, I'm not. I promise I won't do that again." He exhaled softly, and his eyes flickered to Cam. "When we found you, I had my shields down because I have Cam’s and Ember's permission, and because keeping the shield up all the time is exhausting. Then I got distracted by everything and didn't remember to put it up. My shields are firmly back in place now, though, so your thoughts are safe."

Ember—who sat between us—took Micah's hand in his free one, giving it a light squeeze. Micah gave him a slight smile, his eyes warm and full of adoration, and I wondered if maybe someday he'd look at me the same way. Could I truly be a part of this beautiful relationship?