Page 65 of Cam's Treasure

"Unless he can't. Kai's aura is mostly human right now, so it could've slipped past his guard without him noticing," Ember said, and Cam hummed thoughtfully.

"That's possible."

"Oh, by the way, Jai's making your favorite curry tonight. You're all welcome to join us for dinner," Raphael said, eyes flicking from Cam to the rest of us.

"Not tonight, Uncle Raph. Rain check?"

Raphael smiled. "Sure. Or I can send Dean over with a Tupperware."

Cam's eyes widened, and he grinned. "You're the best."

"And don't you forget it."

Once Raphael had left, I sank into the armchair as the events of today finally sank in. From the moment I'd woken up to find Osric stealing my coat, I hadn't had a moment's calm. I was tired, hungry, and just wanted to be alone for a little bit. Get my thoughts in order. Mourn the loss of my coat and figure out a way to get it back. Think about what it meant to have three men claiming to be my mates.


I watched Kai sag into the armchair, watched the way his eyes fell shut even though the furrow between his brows only deepened. He looked drawn and tired, and I could hear his stomach grumbling from here.

Go take care of our mate, Micah said in my mind, and I glanced down at him, conflicted. I wanted to take care of Kai, but I also didn't want to leave Micah.

"I got this, Em," Cam said, and I glanced up at him, relieved. "What say you, princess? Wanna cuddle for a bit?"

Micah beamed up at Cam, and I smiled to myself as I stood up and Cam took my place.

Walking across the room, I kneeled in front of Kai, placing a hand on his knee. "Hey, would you like something to eat?"

His eyes flicked open, then widened as they met mine. After a moment's pause, he nodded, and I smiled as I stood up, holding my hand out.

He took it after a moment's hesitation, his hand much warmer now that he was out of the water and in dry clothes, and Iwrapped my hand around his smaller one, tugging him to his feet, then leading him to the kitchen.

Kai settled on a stool on the other side of the counter, and his dark eyes followed me as I moved around the kitchen. It was past lunch time, and I knew Micah and Cam must have been hungry too, so I settled on sandwiches since we had all the fixings and it wouldn't take too much time.

"Is there anything you don't like eating?"

Kai pursed his lips for a moment, then admitted, "Tomatoes."

I paused for a moment, glancing up at him. "Raw or cooked or both?"

"Raw or cooked. I can handle it in sauce and soup, but I don't like them in solid form, I guess." He sounded a little embarrassed as he admitted it, so I merely smiled at him and accepted it with a nod.

"No tomatoes, got it. Anything else?"

Kai shook his head, and I started on the sandwiches, quickly putting together four plates with four sandwiches—Micah and Kai probably wouldn't finish all of theirs, but Cam and I would happily take the leftovers—one without tomatoes.

Placing Kai's plate in front of him, I tilted my head and asked, "Would you like to eat in the living room with us? Or here?"

I got the feeling Kai needed a moment alone, and judging by the look of sheer relief in his eyes, I was right.

"Here, please."

"All right. If you can't finish it, just cover the dish with another and leave it on the counter. If you feel like taking a nap, there are four bedrooms upstairs. You can sleep in whichever one you want. Or you can join us in the living room."

Kai nodded as he picked up a sandwich and bit into it, chewing with a happy hum that made me smile.

Leaving him to it, I carried the other three plates to the living room. Cam and Micah both looked up at me, then at the empty space beside me.

"He needed some space, so he's eating in the kitchen."