Page 49 of Cam's Treasure

Outside, I took a deep breath, gazing up at the clear sky, then walked around the house to the backyard.

I'd bought this house because of the tall trees that surrounded the backyard. They blocked anyone from looking in, so it was perfect for me. I could shift without worrying about being seen.

My skin tingled as I changed, the familiar warmth of my phoenix form taking over. I blinked a few times, adjusting to the winged form, then took off into the sky.

My magic would keep me hidden from human eyes, and I was high enough that even supes would have trouble spotting me unless they were actually looking for me.

I'd never been too fond of my phoenix heritage. I'd always felt like it was more trouble than it was worth.

A lot of supernatural beings had long lives, but none had to repeat the cycle or relive childhood every hundred years like me.

Other than that, I was just a big bird. Sure, I could cover my skin or feathers in flames, but that was more of a defensive magic than an offensive one. I couldn't throw the fire, but it would burn anyone who tried to touch me without consent.

If there was more to my magic than that, I'd never learned. How could I, when I'd never met another phoenix?

Sometimes, I wondered why my parents had abandoned me before I even hatched. Had they thought I wouldn't? Was that just how phoenix parents were? Or had they just not wanted me?

A sound of frustration escaped my beak at my thoughts, and I shook my head. I had to stop thinking about the past and focus on the future. On Cam and Micah, and whoever our final mate was.

There was no point ruminating over my past when my future was so much brighter. I would go to Cam and Micah's, spend as much time with them as they allowed, and strengthen our bond.

Maybe I'd even be able to interest them in a kiss.



Ember landed in our backyard much more sedately than last time, and I slid the door open, leaning outside to watch him.

Last time, we hadn't really gotten a chance to study him before he'd shifted to his human form, but this time I got a good look, and realized Ember was stunning in both forms.

He was the size of an eagle in this form, with a plume of vibrant red-and-yellow feathers sticking out of the top of his head and adding another few inches to his height.

His eyes were the same warm blue, but beadier, birdlike. His feathers were a mix of red, yellow, orange, and brown, with the lightest hints of blue at the very tips.

All in all, he looked magnificent, and if I could draw for shit, I'd tell him to stay in this form so I could draw him.

Hmm...maybe I could ask Amelia to take a picture? I'd have to keep it somewhere safe, like Cam's hoard.

Ember shifted, running his fingers through his shoulder-length hair instantly, as if he was worried about how they looked. Like Cam, it seemed like his mane also got a little windblown, and I wasn't going to break my brain again trying to figure out why.

I'd realized sometimes magic just did things simply to be illogical. If magic and logic were sentient beings, they would probably be the type of siblings who were always fighting each other...unless there's a third person threatening one of them. Then they're on the same team.

Shaking my head, I was glad neither of my mates could read minds. I'd be in a perpetual state of embarrassment at my thoughts if they could.

"Micah, it's good to see you again!" Ember greeted as he stepped closer. "May I hug you?"

I blinked in surprise, then nodded, stepping outside.

His big, warm arms wrapped around me, and it took me a moment to sink into the hug. I inhaled softly, breathing in the scent of crisp fire and Ember.

"Space for one more?" Cam asked from my side, and I sucked in a breath, surprised. I hadn't sensed his approach at all, and I knew it wasn't because Cam was trying to be quiet. I'd have heard his mind either way.

No, it was because I'd been so focused on Ember, because his warmth and softness had somehow put me into such a state of calm that for a few blissful seconds, my powers had just shut down. My brain felt like a laptop in sleep mode, but it was slowly waking up as Ember pulled back so he could hug Cam as well.

I started to step back, but Ember's other arm tightened around me, and then Cam wrapped his arm around me too.

Hugging them both at the same time felt even better, and there was that blissful quiet in my head.