Page 18 of Cam's Treasure

It was different for Micah. His birth parents had been assholes, and he was put through a lot of pain before his dads found him and brought him back to Mistvale. Micah rarely talked about his time in Ravenshire, which was how I knew it still haunted him. If I had it my way, I'd fly to that stupid island and rampage all over it in my dragon form. Hell, I still might someday. My dragon side was always itching to get revenge for Micah, but I knew he didn't want anything to do with that island of assholes, which was the only reason I held back.

"Anybody home?" Micah called as he pushed open the front door, and I turned my attention back to the here and now.

"In here," Ames called, and we followed her voice to the living room, where DD and Dad were sitting close together on the couch while Amelia sat on the coffee table, a remote in her hand that she was using to flick through products in an online store on the big TV screen. Why they couldn't shop on their phones or laptop like normal people, I didn't know.

"Wait, are you working on the nursery?" I demanded as I saw the products were all baby things, and Ames nodded, her long, straight black hair hanging forward until she tucked the strands behind her ears.

"Yeah, We were just looking through it. We were actually just about to call you," she said, then smirked, her dark brown eyes gleaming. "Or maybe not."

Rolling my eyes, I pushed her off the coffee table, grabbing the remote as she tried to keep herself from falling.

"Kids," DD said with a resigned sigh.

"Don't forget you're making more of us." I grinned, jumping back as Ames lunged for the remote.

It'd taken us a few years to go from the 'extra nice to each other because our relationship was new' stage to the typical older sister-younger brother dynamic we had now, but it'd been worth it. I'd never wanted an older sister before Amelia joined our family, but then I'd realized that an older sister wastheperfect mark. Over the years, I'd enjoyed inventing new ways to annoy her, and she'd given back as good as she got. It'd been my way of showing her she was part of the family, and it'd worked wonderfully.

I stumbled back as my right foot was suddenly encased in marble, the floor coming up to grip it as Amelia reached forward and took back the remote.

"Amelia, please don't use your powers to disfigure our house," Dad said, and Amelia shot him an apologetic look before the marble retreated back into the floor. Her earth mage magic had some handy perks, but I wasn't without my own power either.

Before I could step forward, though, Micah grabbed my hand, giving me a narrow-eyed look.Remember why we're here?

Oh right. I'd forgotten all about our house-hunting expedition.

"We'd love to pick some stuff out for the babies," I said, ignoring Amelia as I turned my whole attention to my dads."But we actually came to talk about something else. We were wondering if any of the houses you bought are still empty? We wanted to move into our own place."

Dad blinked, surprise flashing across his face, while DD almost looked relieved. I supposed I would be too if I had to listen to my adult son having sex with his mate. Sometimes, supernatural hearing could be the worst power to have.

"You're moving out?" Dad asked, and I nodded, sharing a glance with Micah.

"Yeah, we think it's time. The only reason we didn't do it before was that we were going on a trip. The house would've stayed empty all that time, so it would've been a waste."

"That's true," DD said, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "Actually, I think I might have the perfect place for you. It's a townhouse similar to this one, and it butts up against the cul-de-sac. Four bedrooms on the second floor, two with their own bathrooms and a third communal bathroom, and a living room, dining room, and kitchen on the first floor, along with a bathroom."

"That sounds...big," Micah said as I tried to imagine how much space it was. Actually, it might be the same size as this house, except here we had another bedroom instead of a dining room, and all four bedrooms upstairs were occupied—dads' bedroom, Amelia's, mine, and DD's hoard. What wouldwedo with four bedrooms?

"Well, your other mates might need their own space, especially in the beginning. Or you might have friends over. You could use the extra bedrooms as guest rooms, or your hoard—" that was directed at me, "—or for something else. It doesn't hurt to have some extra space."

"And no one else needs it? Like a big family or something?" I didn't want to get a larger house just because I was DD's son, not if someone else needed it more.

"Nope. We haven't had a new resident for close to a year now, so the house has been sitting empty for a while. It might need some minor repairs. How about you guys go take a look at it and then make a decision?"

I glanced over at Micah, finding him chewing on his lower lip. He stopped, then nodded. Grinning, I turned back to DD. "Where's the key?"



The house was big. And beautiful. And I loved it.

Like my dads' place, it was built mostly with stone, at least on the outside. Inside, the rooms were split by wooden walls, as if someone had made a cube of stone and then decided to add wooden partitions inside to make rooms. It would've made renovating fun, if we were planning to do something like that.

The paint was fresh, and the floorboards polished, so at least we wouldn't need to do any major work on it. The place needed some deep cleaning, and maybe some rearranging, and it would be perfect. I could already see us in this space, the big bean bag to the side of the couch, facing the TV at just the right angle.

The living room was big, with a door on one side leading into the kitchen, which connected to the dining room on the other side. A short hallway joined the living room and thefront door, and another short hallway connected the bathroom, dining room, and the living room. Stairs from the living room led up to the second floor, where a long hallway connected all four bedrooms and the communal bathroom. There was also a laundry room in the basement.

"What do you think?" Cam asked, turning to look at me. He'd spent the last hour dragging me all over the place, as if I would stop exploring if he let go of my hand. He was excited, and the look on his face told me he liked this place too. He was watching me hopefully, and his mind was stuck on a repeat ofPlease say you like it.