Page 87 of Pack Captive

Goosebumps rose all over my skin as his lips moved over me.

"I wanted to do that the first time I was ever in here with you," he said, the low rumble of his voice making my stomach flip again.

I scoffed, hoping he didn't see my goosebumps. "No, you didn't. You hated me at first."

Calian ran a hand through his short hair, looking at me sidelong. "I didn't hate you. I just didn't understand you."

"Well, you put on a good front." I combed my hair out, making sure every strand was in place. Then I froze. "Will...Ryden be angry about this? He'll smell you on me."

Calian gripped my hands, looking me dead in the eyes. "I. Don't. Care."

I nodded, exhaling, but I was still nervous we'd made a mistake.

We heldthe ritual in the necropolis, in a vault engraved with Pack Azura's name.

This time, with Darius's full body to put to rest, we didn't use the brazier. Calian and Ryden rested him on the marble altar, beneath the moon lantern that was already hanging there.

Above us, in the lunar circle, the other wolves were sending their prayers for him to the moon, but the laying to rest would be done in the dark.

I was nervous, my palms sweating, but not because I was afraid I would screw up.

It was because Ryden had gotten a whiff of Calian's scent on me.

As soon as I'd walked by him in the temple above, his nostrils had flared, and he'd cut a sharp look at his Second. His muscles had bunched as though he was ready to launch himself at Calian.

But Calian gave him a warning look right back, and muttered, "You know what you said. Don’t go back on it now.”

Ryden's fists had clenched, and that had seemed to be the end of it.

But now, he was looking over me, and I practically felt his gaze burning into my face.

His expression had darkened even further when I turned, and he saw the pink line cutting across my cheek.

WhathadRyden said to Calian? Had he told his Second he could approach me as a mate?

I pondered this as Yasemin and Kadin took up their positions around the altar. I was to Darius's left, Yasemin was to his right, and Kadin stood by Yasemin's side.

Ryden and Calian were at his feet, the Alpha holding the vessel that would contain his bones.

The Elder Caller put her hands over him, and Kadin and I followed suit.

Soon, Yasemin's voice echoed through the chamber. The darkness, lit only by the lantern's pale glow, made the intonation eerie.

"Darius of Pack Azura. You were brave beyond measure, a wolf many should aspire to be. Your ancestors will be waiting proudly for you in the afterlife. Not a day will go by when we will not miss you, but you've earned your rest. Be at peace."

Kadin was crying again, sniffling lightly. When Yasemin was done speaking, she chimed in. "I'll miss you, Darius. I swear I will make you proud. Go to the moon and become its light."

I hadn't known Darius, so I wasn't the one to provide his last words.

But I helped push the power into him, the light that would burn him down to bones and ash.

I felt the tugging, echoing jolt in my chest and opened my eyes. Kadin's eyes were still closed, but Yasemin was looking at me, her hands glowing with blue flames.

I saw a glimpse of something from the corner of my eye, a glowing mist beyond the moon lantern.

It crept towards us, and the tug in my chest grew stronger. It almost looked like a wolf, ghostly and incorporeal...

I cut off the power flowing through me, pulling my hands away from Darius's body as quickly as decorum allowed.