It was moving out of alignment with the circle, and soon I'd have to open my eyes and see what I’d wrought.
A sheen of sweat covered my skin from the incessant dancing, and as the moon moved away, the prickling sensation faded, leaving nothing but the breeze to cool me down and whisper through the branches of the willows.
I ended the dance where I began, slowing to a halt and taking several measured breaths.
Then I realized it wasn't the willows making the sounds. They were murmurs, growing louder.
I opened my eyes and almost threw up a hand to protect my eyes from the brilliance.
Both Claws and Warriors muttered to themselves, looking at each other. Their lunar runes were lit so brightly the blue had vanished, replaced by the harsh glare of pure white light. Even the torches were drowned out by their brilliance.
I gaped at them, my gaze traveling around the circle and coming to rest on Ryden and Calian.
The Alpha and his Second stared back at me, with an emotion I couldn't quite place.
Calian tilted his head and said something to Ryden that was so low I couldn't make it out.
The Alpha nodded in response, and I finally realized what their emotion was.
Awe. Which, despite being overjoyed that I hadn't embarrassed myself and my ancestors, made me more than a little uncomfortable.
I was a nobody, from a valley no wolf had ever heard of, not something to be looked at like that.
I took a step back, closer to Yasemin, who felt like a safe harbor against what I was seeing. Even the Claws were shooting me glances that were a hell of a lot warmer than they'd been when I arrived.
I heard a soft laugh behind me, and her walking stick poked me in the back, herding me back towards the circle.
"I don't think so," Yasemin said, a wicked glint in her eye when I looked over my shoulder at her. "Yourplace is to run with the pack now."
"This must be a mistake," I said hoarsely, my throat suddenly dry.
How couldIhave done this? I'd never managed to tear this much power from a dark moon before.
"There is no mistake." Yasemin's voice was firm. "When a Caller is attuned with her pack, the flow of power becomes easier to manage. All this means is that you were meant to come to us."
I should've been absolutely gleeful that I'd managed this, but instead I was beginning to feel terrified, like I'd set a precedent I'd never be able to match again.
One of the Warrior wolves stepped forward, touching his runes.
"Not even Tyra managed this," he said. He directed it to Ryden, though he glanced at me when he said it.
I felt a brief flash of smug satisfaction. At least I'd managed to beat the mysterious Tyra at something.
Ryden gave me one of his smoldering once-overs, the kind of look that brought the flush back in full force.
I couldn't help but remember the way his arms had felt around me, sliding over my skin...
"Because she wasn't made for this pack. Ayla is. She's one of us now." His blue eyes went around the circle, landing on every wolf. His gaze hardened and lingered on the Claws, particularly Sorana, who looked mutinous. She was the only wolf who didn't seem happy. "And you will all treat her as such."
The Warriors nodded fervently, and Ryden raised a fist. "This dark moon will be unlike any other. This changes everything. We're no longer weak against Fenris, and our ancestors' power is with us."
"Claws." Calian stepped forward. "Warriors. Caller." He nodded to me respectfully, and I had the sense that something in him had shifted towards me. Like I'd finally, truly proven that I could be trusted. "Let's get out there and fucking ruin Fenris's night."
The wolves cheered, blasting howls into the night as they shifted.
Eyes flashed as the wolves paced, growling low in their throats.
"That's your cue." Yasemin gently nudged me with her elbow. "You run with the Alpha and his Second."