Page 46 of Pack Captive

I stood up, not wanting to hear about how much she wanted Ryden anymore.

I had no problems with finding willing, enthusiastic females, but finally, the one time I came across one I actually wanted to talk to...once again, I found myself in the Alpha's shadow.

No matter what Ryden said, nobody wanted the asshole Second while the Alpha was on the menu.

"No," I said shortly. "You've never met her, and never will. If you had, you'd understand everyone's feelings about her."

I couldn't picture Ayla sneaking into someone's room and accosting them, or grabbing them after being told to keep her hands to herself.

She was nothing like Tyra.

Ayla looked up at me, the moonlight painting the edges of her face in silver. She got up and followed me through the garden, trailing behind me silently now.

"I just want to understand what I'm up against," she finally said from somewhere behind my shoulder. "I feel like I'm expected to fill the shoes of someone I've never met. Like you said, things are different here than they are back in my valley."

I slowed my steps, giving her time to catch up. She did so willingly.

Maybe I hadn't hurt her feelings as much as I'd thought.

"Don't look at it that way." I lifted a branch of briar roses and let her duck under. This part of the garden was completely overgrown, like going through a perfumed jungle, but at least she'd avoid other wolves. "Finding new Callers really is a reason for celebration around here. There's so few of your kind left. The Azurans were willing to put up with Tyra despite her personality because we needed her. You're going to be a breath of fresh air."

Ayla, who was several feet ahead of me, gave me a quick smile over her shoulder. "Don't make me sound better than I am. It's going to take a while before I'm comfortable with your pack, and that's an even bigger standard to live up to."

We finally broke through the foliage. The darkened back entrance to the Dawn Palace, half blocked by rubble, stood before us.

Ayla looked up at me. "What happened to Tyra?"

I didn't want to lie to her, but I had strict orders that were to be followed no matter what. "She died in a raid."

She nodded, looking grave.

To my relief, she didn't press for more.

I unlocked the lunar runes on the back door, and the Guardians inside waited in wolf form, teeth flashing like knives.

They took one look at me and backed down, letting us pass without any issues.

Ayla looked everywhere as I led her to the stairs that would take us to the upper floors, memorizing the layout of the Palace. The conversation between us had died along with the mention of Tyra's supposed death.

When we finally reached her quarters, Ayla wasted no time in hiding behind the screen that had been brought in for her privacy and changing out of the jewelry and ceremonial clothes.

"Thanks for this," she called, draping the golden dress over the wood partitions, and I nodded stiffly.

It had been Ryden's orders, not mine. Another point for the Alpha.

Ayla stepped out, wearing a thin, white dress that barely came to her knees. The binding shackle was now the only jewelry she wore, and her thick hair had been tied in a braid that hung over her shoulder.

I gritted my teeth, remembering the feel of her skin against my palms. So much of it was on display now, and I could only imagine what running my tongue over her would feel like...

Ayla looked at the wide expanse of the bed, piled with the most luxurious bedding we had.

"Do I have to stay here?" she asked. "Can I go to my pack?"

I crossed my arms, leaning against the door. "You have to stay here. Alpha's orders. You'll want to be well rested for the Elder Caller's training in the morning, so it's best to stay away from the pups."

She bit her lip again. That was her nervous tic, I'd quickly discovered. And she seemed to be nervous all the time here. "I'm not used to being alone. We always slept together in the communal hall, unless...only mated couples got their own houses."

I had a feeling her pack's version of a 'house' was more like a bundle of sticks in the vague shape of a square, but I knew what she meant. "I'll stand guard outside the door until a Guardian takes over. You won't technically be alone."