Page 35 of Pack Captive

My stomach immediately flipped, turning sour.

He could have anyone he wanted, even this lovely wolf with her Claw tattoos and lunar marks. Her strength, as opposed to my scrawny, underfed limbs.

I took another sip and forced my gaze out to the square, where a bunch of pups had linked hands and were dancing in a circle.

I was fooling myself. I was just a tool for them, a means to an end.

Even if I did forgive the way they'd tied me up, once I was properly trained and forged into a weapon for Lykos, they'd find another Caller and I would be yesterday's news.

The sight of a familiar face interrupted my self-pitying little reverie. One of the pups in the dancing circle was a Vesperan. I thought I saw Fenn's wild shock of gray hair down in the square below.

"I'd like to talk to my people," I said politely, not quite meeting Ryden's eyes.

He looked from me to the crowd, then stood up and pulled my chair out for me. "Of course."

Unnecessary, I wanted to growl, but I wanted to remain on his good side.

I took the wine with me. It was too good to let it go to waste.

To my surprise, wolves parted when they saw me coming, leaving a clear path. I was sure I heard mutters under the sounds of laughing and shouting, but none of it was clear enough to make out.

Let them talk. I knew what I was.

By the time I made it to Fenn, my cup was empty. He and Reeva stood before a table full of my pack elders, nursing their own wine and picking happily at the food laid out.

I swallowed, once again feeling off balance.

They were all clean, wearing nicer clothes than we'd ever owned before. Color painted cheeks that had been sallow with starvation only a few days ago.

More than ever, I knew we needed to be here, no matter how I felt about it.

Reeva smiled, reaching out for my hand. "Oh, Ayla. Rasvati's spirit must be overjoyed to see you now."

I doubted that. More likely her spirit was horrified that I'd left the valley, which I'd promised her years ago I would never do.

Fenn gripped my shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly. "It was the right choice," he said gruffly.

Two of the pups darted between the elders and snatched several chicken legs from the table. They darted off, giggling.

Their limbs were starting to fill out. They had light in their eyes.

"It was," I agreed, but the words felt heavy in my mouth.

I knew Ryden had done this for them. As long as my pack was fed and clothed, I would never leave Lykos.

He had me on a far more effective leash than the shackle would ever be.

A selfish part of me wanted to tell Fenn what I really felt—they'd traded me for comfort. That my own pack had let me be roped for their own sake.

But deep down, I didn't really believe it. If the Azurans had offered, I knew I would've swallowed my pride and accepted before they stepped foot out of the valley.

Before Fenn could speak again, a handmaiden appeared at my elbow. "The Alpha sent this, Caller."

Her deferential tone grated on my nerves—even though I'd led the pack since my parent’s deaths, the elders never would've been deferential to me—but she offered a fresh cup of wine. Several berries floated on the surface.

How could I say no? I allowed her to take my empty cup and accepted the new one, but I didn't look back at Ryden.

I practically felt his gaze burning a hole between my shoulder blades.