Page 26 of Pack Captive

I gazed up at it, holding my bound hands against my chest. Every fiber of my being wanted to ask the obvious question—"What if I don't?"

I managed to hold it back. Barely.

Ryden seemed to realize I was backing away from him. He took my hands, untying the ropes and rubbing the sore spots again.

I hated that his touch felt good, the warm roughness of his skin better than any soothing balm.

"I wish I could make you understand the morale this will bring to the city." He was looking down at my wrists as he rubbed them, giving me a clear opportunity to watch his handsome face. His full lips had turned down at the corners, betraying his true discomfort. "Callers are rare enough; we thought most of your kind were dead by now. Finding you was a blessing from the Moon herself, and every other wolf in Pack Azura will believe the same."

His blue eyes flashed up to mine, so quickly I couldn't pretend I hadn't been watching him.

I thought of Reeva's words and the jubilation I'd felt in Fenn's head when he'd realized we were saved.

It wouldn't kill me to throw Ryden a bone. Maybe he'd do the same for me.

"I'd be willing to do these things," I began, my heart squeezing when his eyes lit up. "But on temple grounds. And unshackled."

Ryden cupped my chin, searching my face.

For a moment I thought he was going to kiss me again, and my heart began to pound faster.

Then he threw the ropes on a burning brazier. They instantly turned black, charring into ash.

"Your ropes are gone. You're as free as you can be, but the bracelet will keep you within Lykos's walls. As for temple grounds...the answer is no. You remain with me for now." His thumb stroked my jawline as he delivered my sentence. "You tried to escape in the wastelands. I don't trust you yet."

"How can I trustyou?" I snapped, losing my grip on my composure. "I was never given a chance to prove myself!"

My cheeks colored when I realized a maid had entered the room, carrying a stack of towels and a basket of bottles.

Lovely. Now she'd tell everyone their Alpha had picked up a spoiled brat before I could give my side of the story and find someone willing to get this damn bracelet off me.

She averted her eyes as Ryden stepped closer to me. Maybe she saw this all the time.

He was now close enough that my breasts pushed against his chest. If he'd been one of my Warriors, I would've wasted no time in choosing him as my mate.

If he was one of Vesper's warriors, you would've just gotten him killed anyway, that snide voice inside me piped up, and I couldn't deny that.

Ryden smiled gently. That was somehow more terrifying than his growls, because it meant I'd hate whatever came next.

"You can be my prisoner...or you can be my princess. All you need to do is follow my orders to the letter. Calian will remain in here to ensure you don't jump out the window."

With that, he released me and strode away. A sudden chill touched me where his warmth had been.

And the coldness in Calian's eyes as Ryden shut the door behind himself wasn't much better.



The maid began fillingthe bath with hot water as I gazed at Calian in trepidation.

"You're not really going to stay in here and watch me, are you?" I asked, forcing myself to remain planted where I was instead of backing away.

I hated feeling so powerless about such tiny decisions over my own life. If I'd been free to choose what I wanted, I would've hit my limit with these wolves a long time ago, but they were making it obvious that I had no limits now.

I wasn't allowed to set those boundaries for myself.

Calian cocked an eyebrow at me, then strode to the corner of the room. He grabbed the back of a plush blue chair and dragged it closer to the bath, but aimed it towards the bed.