Even if my inner wolf approved of him, and every inch of me ached for him, he was still marked by Fenris. He was the enemy’s right hand.
I couldn’t take the chance and trust him. It wasn’t what the mate of an Alpha should do, risking her pack for the sake of lust, and I wouldn’t let him ruin what I had with Ryden.
I was positive Ryden would be my mate one day.
Merikh? Not so much.
Fury flashed across his handsome face. “Fine. Enjoy having the wool pulled over your eyes. I’d rather die free with my eyes open than live in a cage.”
He swung his long legs over the balcony and dropped down.
I heard the sound of claws digging into stone as he descended, and for a moment I thought about calling him back up.
But I couldn’t. Maybe all of my instincts were wrong.
It was better for us both if he left.
It washard to sleep as I mulled over all the reasons Ryden and Calian could’ve kept that information from me, but I eventually managed.
Only to be awakened in the dead of night by the tolling of bells.
My heart was hammering as I sat up in bed.
Had Merikh lied? Had he killed another Warrior in retaliation?
I scrambled out of bed, yanking on my simple training clothes before bursting into the hall.
There were no wolves in sight, not even the usual Guardian stationed near the stairs.
I shifted and ran, letting my paws eat up the distance as I raced for the gates of Lykos, following the cacophony of pack voices in my head.
We go after him tonight, Calian snarled.
He was surrounded by Claws, all of them enormous and bristling. The Warriors were arrayed around them, and as I approached, I felt a familiar sensation at my side.
Ryden was running with me.This is it, Ayla, he said grimly.The Bloodfang can’t go free.
I said nothing, gritting my teeth as we met up with Calian and the pack. I would’ve sworn by the Moon that Merikh was not the one who’d done this...
But who else could’ve?
He’d as much as told me that Fenris was in his head, that once you were corrupted, your loyalty belonged to him alone.
I’d let my sympathy for him—and my attraction—blind me to his true nature.
I cursed myself silently as we followed Calian and his Claws out of the city.
Two scouts dead!Calian snarled, running so hard he left deep grooves in the dirt.We should’ve killed him before!
He won’t end this night alive, Ryden said, his voice harsh.All of you, do whatever it takes. Destroy him.
We ran several miles into the woods, and the entire time, my worry grew.
I’d been close enough to the Bloodfang several times to know what he smelled like—warm, like cinnamon and wood.
There was no trace of that scent out here. Unless Merikh could move like a ghost and leave no trace of himself behind, not even scent, then...this wasn’t him.
Which begged the question: whatwasdoing it?