Page 96 of Pack Captive

Calian growled, his hackles rising as the Alpha gave him a warning look.

What is it?I demanded.What are you worried about?

Ryden just shook his head.If we come across it, you’ll know. It’s impossible to tell what sort of monstrosities Fenris will send out these days.

Ryden closed his eyes, and my head was suddenly filled with images of more wolves like the Berserker, wolves who dripped blood or had several sets of jaws.

I held back a shudder, not wanting to appear weak even though these creatures looked far worse than the shadow wolves.

We wasted no time after that. I fell back into the familiar lope at Ryden’s side, allowing him to take point as he led us out of Lykos.

The city doors slammed shut behind us. All the Guardians who had remained behind were manning the walls, keeping the doors barred.

We were taking no chances that Fenris would attack while we were gone, but we couldn’t stay here and ignore a call for help, either.

As we streamed into the forest, I released my grip on my power a little more, letting it flow from to Ryden, and to the rest of the pack.

Ryden and Calian were both glowing like stars, their runes so bright they left streaks on my vision, but the other wolves, even the ones who hated me, were brighter than the Vesperans had ever been.

It made Yasemin’s thoughts pretty clear; I was destined to be with Pack Azura, and I needed to do everything in my power to bring every single one of them home safely.

Pace yourselves, Ryden commanded.We have hours to go. This is not a race.

I fell into an easy rhythm, letting the forest pass by as we ran.

Several hours later, my paws were finally beginning to ache. I panted a little harder now, and Ryden ordered a halt near a river.

We all plunged our heads in, drinking silently and quickly.

When I raised my head, shaking water off my muzzle and ears, I smelled it.

It was just a breath of wind, but it carried the reek of rotting meat and the scent of ash.

Shadow wolves. We’re close.Ryden grimly stared up the river, his ears perked forward.I doubt we’ll find any survivors, but be on the lookout.

We reassembled, Calian and I flanking Ryden with the Claws behind us, and moved upriver as quickly as possible.

When we found it, I felt like I’d been punched in the gut.

It looked exactly like my village had once, but every house was burned to the ground. Ashes and blood were smeared across the ground in a frenetic mess.

The bodies of wolves were strewn everywhere. The pack had fought and died to the last one.

Flames still licked at the roof of the final building, which was surrounded by an entire circle of shadow wolves. The dark creatures milled around, panting and barking with excitement.

And from inside, we heard the wail of pups.

They’re burning them, I thought in shock, not caring if I’d broadcasted my thoughts to the entire pack.Ryden!

Go, he snarled, as the first of the shadow wolves looked up.

One by one, their heads turned our way in unison, their eerie red eyes glowing with reflected flames.

My blood boiling with rage, I released the floodgates on my power.

Ryden came crashing down on the leader of the shadow wolves, blazing so brightly the wolf disintegrated into ash before his teeth had fully closed on it.

The Warriors tore into them, and all around me the two packs mixed and became a snarling, frothing sea of flying blood and howls.