"He's fucking crazy," I whispered to myself.
And I still felt his hands on me.
"Did he hurt you?"
I hadn't slept much last night, and the morning had brought two very angry wolves to my door.
Or rather, they had burst inside without so much as knocking, and had spent the last ten minutes interrogating me.
I held back a sigh. "No. He didn't hurt me. Do I look hurt to you?"
I glared up at Ryden as I spoke, but Calian was even angrier.
He seemed to be taking it personally that Merikh moved through the city like a shadow, running amok...and doing absolutely nothing to harm us.
I frowned as I thought. He'd been free for a full night, and no one had been hurt. Merikh had led the Warriors on a chase, but he hadn't killed anyone.
He seemed to simply be...enjoying himself.
I wondered if the person he'd been speaking to, the person who was in his head, was Fenris. If my power was strong enough...
I felt a prickle of excitement. What if my power was driving Fenris out of him?
Would he be able to come back from what he was?
"Did you invite him in?" Calian pushed, his dark eyes glinting dangerously. "It's practically impossible to climb the towers—"
"Practically being the keyword," I pointed out. Both he and Ryden narrowed their eyes at me. "I saw it myself. He climbed the tower, and no, I did not invite him in. I don't have a death wish and you both damn well know that."
Ryden looked down, but Calian wasn't letting go so easily.
"What else did he tell you?" he demanded.
I stood up, spilling my blankets to the floor. Both of them blinked, even though drawing myself up to my full height wasn't exactly impressive.
"What are you digging for?" I snapped, rounding on Calian. "Do you really think he came up here to spill all of Fenris's secrets to me? We don't even know each other."
A headache was beginning to pound behind my eyes. I regretted the long night of pacing and checking the windows...and I hated to admit it, but a lot of my anxiety had been for Merikh.
Calian's hands were bunched into fists at his sides, but he made no move towards me. "He might've let something slip that would help us figure out his next move. You don't seem to understand what you're dealing with, Ayla—he's not some poor, innocent wolf who got himself locked up for no reason. He's deadly. Hewillkill you, or take you to Fenris, without a second thought."
He turned towards the door and opened it, then paused, looking back over his shoulder at me.
"This is exactly what I warned you about. He'll be your best friend to gain your trust, then stab you in the back with it. Don't say I didn't warn you." Calian let out a harsh laugh, and left.
Ryden exhaled slowly. His eyes ran over me, but he forced them up to my face. "It was a long night. I apologize, Ayla, but Merikh has never spoken to someone for long without leaving a mark on them."
"Is that what happened to Tyra?" I asked, keeping my voice low.
Whatever progress I'd made in running with the pack and gaining their trust...it was gone now.
Maybe I should've just let Merikh remove the shackle.
Ryden hesitated, then nodded. "I understand that you two feel you may have something in common, but he's not your friend. Calian's right on this. If not for Merikh, Tyra would still be here."