I pulled my arm out of his grip and descended the dais, sticking to the shadows as I turned towards the Dawn Palace.
And I felt completely alone again.
It washard to believe that a day ago, I would've been clawing at the walls of Lykos and the shackle, trying to escape, but now I was relatively content to return to the Palace.
I didn't want anyone to see me; it was bad enough that everyone had gotten an eyeful of my hands all over Ryden's chest.
My pack had always prided themselves on moving up in the world on their own merit. Our Warriors had a strict hierarchy.
The idea that I would try sleeping with Ryden just for the sake of mating an Alpha sickened me, even though that defiant voice inside me was very much into the idea of it for its own sake.
I had to be worth that first.
Worth an Alpha's attention, and that meant working my ass off to show the Elder Caller that I was more than a failure.
I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize I'd followed the shadowed streets past the bridge leading to the front doors of the Palace.
Instead, I found myself all the way on the other side of the lake.
From here, I couldn't even see the broken section of the Palace or wall, and there was something almost secretive in the quiet hush of the night. Even the water lapping at the rocky shore seemed to be muted.
I frowned, squinting back the way I'd come, but there was no one around. I did catch sight of two Guardians at the top of the wall, strolling back towards the other side of the city, but that was it.
There was another bridge leading to the Palace's island here, but it was much thinner than the first grand bridge I'd seen. Instead of white marble, it was carved from gray granite.
Either way, it led to the interior of the Palace. I didn't want to risk going back and being found by any of the wolves who might make my life harder than it was right now.
The narrow-eyed Claw who'd stared me down popped into my mind. I definitely didn't want to meet her in a dark alley.
So I quickly walked across the granite bridge instead, keeping my head up and my stance casual.
It wasn't like I was sneaking in anywhere. I just wanted to get back to the upper rooms of the Palace without exchanging a word with another living soul.
I stepped on the island, river rocks clicking underfoot. Like the bridge, the door leading inside was plain and utilitarian, made of heavy, solid wood.
I didn't like the lack of Guardians posted here. Anyone could just walk in, and we all knew how sneaky the Fenris wolves were.
Nobody stopped me as I approached the door. My curiosity was rising under the distinct impression that I shouldn't be here.
Bad idea, Ayla.
I shut the voice out as I reached for the door handle and pulled. It didn't budge so much as a centimeter, but something sparkled against the unmarked wood grain.
I peered closer, catching sight of faint lines.
Lunar runes, marked for binding and wards.
Really bad idea.
Well, bringing me here and dropping me into the city without so much as a tour of my new home was also a bad idea.
I ran my fingers down the door, and the lunar runes lit up, blazing pale blue before fading back to their inert state.
There was a solid, heavy clunk, then the door's lock clicked, an almost anticlimactic sound. I pulled again, and this time it opened easily despite its weight.