My head was spinning by now. Too much wine, not enough food.
I picked up a piece of flatbread, almost dropped it, then tore off a small chunk and stuffed it in my mouth.
The Alpha had been watching as I approached, his usually open gaze veiled, but now he blinked in surprise. "For what?"
"For taking my people." I ate another piece, not quite looking at him openly, but watching from the corner of my eye. "For giving them what they needed."
Ryden's eyes flicked to my third cup of wine. "You should have some water."
My hand shot out and landed on his when he reached for it.
"Don't blame it on that." I took a deep breath and prepared myself to be open, and maybe a little less antagonistic, for the first time. "I meant what I said. I can't see eye to eye with your methods, but I appreciate what you've done for them."
I tilted my head towards my pack, who were still celebrating. Some of the female pups wore flower crowns woven out of the pink water lilies I'd seen on the ponds around Lykos.
Ryden's lips twitched in amusement. "You're welcome. And you still need water. The Elder Caller will skin me alive if I let you show up to your first training with a hangover."
I held back a grumble as he took the delicious wine and gave me a glass of water in its place. They were both right.
I needed to be in top form to learn everything my mother had left out of my education.
I almost choked on the water when Ryden draped his arm on the back of my chair, almost touching my skin.
He wasn't quite close enough for me to feel him, but close enough that I felt his warmth.
And had a sudden desire to lean in for more.
I held myself back, forcing myself to down the rest of the glass. I'd shredded my flatbread into tiny pieces without thinking about it.
I couldn't help but like Ryden despite the shackle around my ankle. Even the way he'd called me 'shiny and beautiful' had made me laugh inside, especially when he'd looked like he was really struggling for a way to compliment me.
He'd even sworn not to let anyone touch my bloodied clothes, promising without even an explanation he could've demanded.
It was the feeling of safety in his presence that took me off guard. The feeling that he genuinely meant he would do anything for me, even if we barely knew each other.
Maybe if I gave my best to them, he'd take this shackle off my ankle. Then I would be free to choose, even though I knew I'd stay with my pack.
With him.
He looked at me, the fire painting his dark blond with tiny lights. He was so beautiful I could feast my eyes on him all day without guilt. "Yes?"
"Once my training is underway, I'd like to be the one who accompanies you on your raids." I looked him dead in the eye. "I wouldn't attempt to escape. I can stake my pack's lives on that promise."
Ryden searched my face. He was only a breath away, and from this close distance I felt like I could fall right into his eyes.
I wondered what thoughts he hid behind that easy smile.
"Why the sudden change of heart?" he asked.
He would read a lie on my face. I was too drunk to keep my true thoughts hidden, and if I'd opened up to Calian, why not to Ryden and see if he reciprocated?
"This is my second chance." I didn't so much as blink as I spoke. " was meant to happen."
Ryden studied me, his gaze eventually dropping to my mouth and lingering there.
Maybe he thought I was just spewing drunken nonsense. My lips had to be a shade of purple by now from the amount of wine I'd had.