Robert turned to look at him. “You have been to her office?”
“You haven’t?” Jackson’s amusement deepened. “It is just over on Lex. Jerri is involved in some of her charities. Your woman is doing commendable things. You should be proud.”
“She is not my woman.”
“You want her to be.”
“Would it matter in the least to ask you to butt out of my business?”
“Not at all,” Jackson told him cheerfully. “Now, there is a painting that could pair well with the sculpture and might be a way to your woman’s heart.”
He watched her throughout the evening and pretended not to. By the time Jackson had talked him into purchasing the painting and the sculpture, they were surrounded by several friends.
Liam Moses was minus his wife and intent on being the life of the party. David Snyder was back from France and staying a few days on business as well as several others were at the showing.
He allowed the light conversation to flow over his head as he sipped the champagne and nibbled on pate and watched her discreetly. She was glowing and she was in her perfect setting. But then again, Sonya Beaumont was accustomed to all of this. She had been brought up in this kind of society.
This was still fairly new to him. He attended the functions as was his due, but he would prefer to be alone at home, having supper around his kitchen counter. It had taken him a hell of a long time to fit in and he was not certain he really did.
He was clever and talented when it came to software and figures and that had brought him a long way. He had studied like crazy while holding down three jobs. He had been through muck and debris – working like a damn slave to achieve his goals. He hadspent sleepless nights, grappling over his plans to accomplish the impossible.
He had been hungry and angry enough to do it. Most of the men surrounding him had been born with a silver spoon in their mouths and hadn’t a clue as to what it was to go hungry and cold to freezing. He did, and that made him the man he was today.
But for all his hard work, there was one thing he had never been able to conquer, and it was the love of the woman standing a few feet away from him. He had just given up on ever forgetting her. He was bound to her for life.
The problem was making her see it. The prospect of taking her home after the show and leaving her at her place was unappealing and he did not want to think about it. Somehow, somewhere down the road, he was going to convince her to stay with him.
“Having fun?”
“Loads of it.” She admitted with her infectious smile. She had kicked off her strappy sandals and made herself at home in the back of the limo. She had also discarded the wrap. Her hair was charmingly tousled by the breeze, and she looked sleepy. He had to force himself not to just pull her into his arms and devour her.
“And just a little drunk?”
She laughed. “I think I am. Leesa and Kelly challenged me to a drinking binge.”
“People do not get drunk on champagne. Shall I pour you some coffee?”
“Then I will be too wired to go to sleep, and I have several early morning meetings.” She turned her head to look at him. “We have been trying to acquire the derelict building on Beaver Street to turn it into a community center for the homeless.
It’s a drug haven and there has been a lot of reluctance by city officials to get involved. The red tape is long and tiresome, and we are meeting with the mayor and several people in authority to try and move things along.”
“I might be able to put in a good word for you.”
Her eyes lit up with delight. “Would you? Everything little bit helps.”
Shifting so that his back was to the door, he studied her face. “Why the interest in what happens to the less fortunate? Is it a salve for your conscience?” He regretted his thoughtless comment when she blanched.
“I apologize…”
“No.” She shook her head, her expression sober. “As you probably recalled, I was an uber bitch in high school. I was privileged and entitled.” She paused to look down at her hands which were folded on her lap.
“I was influential, being the most popular girl there and I used that indiscriminately. I did not care who I hurt. I was the queen, and I reigned with impunity. I was like that in college and it took my dad dying for me to grow the hell up and realize that what I was doing was wrong.
Mother wanted me to follow in her footsteps and the way was more or less paved for me to do so. I had the looks and the presence and the acting coach she hired was a former lover who said I was a shoo in. But I didn’t want that. I wanted to make amends for my past.