“Hey, come on,Stone, we can’t just sit here forever–”
Clearly, these fuckers had never heard the old adage about a car that’s rocking and not knocking.Sothey deserved what they got next.
Iflicked the window button and rolled the one to my right down, letting them get a good view of me fucking this girl into oblivion in the backseat.
Whenshe caught on to the fact that they were watching now, a little moan slipped from her mouth, andIswore her cunt clenched on me.
Sothat was her kink.Littlehellcat likes to be watched.
Icould oblige.
Withrenewed effort,Ifucked into her, lifting her just slightly soIcould pump my cock into her like a piston.Shemoaned and took it like a champ, letting me bounce her up and down, her juices coating my pants as she came, soft little whimpers and moans escaping her.Ijoined not long after, my seed painting the inside of her tight cunt asIemptied my balls inside her.
“Fuck, that’s hot,”IheardRafemutter from the other side of the glass, his hands pressed against the car on either side, staring blankly into space as we came down from our high.Ifelt myself soften and slip out of her, and thanked fuck thatIwas a shower, not a grower, because there was nothing quite as satisfying as the way they looked at my dick in dismay and apprehension when she slid across the seat and pulled her panties back up, exposing me to the air.
“Putyourself away,Stone, and let’s get her out of here.”
Ibriefly entertained the idea of taking her back to my house and then thought better of it. “We’reon the wrong side of town to shack up at my place.Whatabout your club?”
Rivernodded, his eyes still glued to the panting mess that wasKenzie. “Sure, yeah, we doubled down on security, andIchanged all the locks.”Heside-eyedRafe, who was sporting a very swollen eye and a hell of a shiner. “Andthe hiding spots for the spare keys.”
“Oh, sure, give me that look likeI’mthe only one who stole your keys for their own benefit.”Hehuffed and rolled his eyes, glancing back into the car. “Youand me, darling, we need to have a chat when these two are done playing the knights in shining armor.”
Shenodded, refusing to meet his gaze. “Yeah, we do.Startingwith why you have the other half of that necklace,Danny.”
“Danny?”Iglanced from her to him, sureI’dmisheard her.Butno, she really had called himDanny.Andfrom the look of abject horror onRafe’sface, she’d struck a nerve he wasn’t ready to expose.
Hestormed off to his bike and took off like a bat out of hell, scattering gravel and silence in his wake.Iwatched her deflate at his actions, hating him for making the smile of satisfaction disappear from her lips.NowIwanted to blacken his other eye.Onewas not enough.
“Youwant to leave one car here and take the other to the club, or should we each drive there on our own?”
Riverfrowned, thinking it over while he hung half in, half out of the window. “Mightbe a good idea to take both, that way if trouble comes our way, we can deal with it.”
Riverglanced in her direction, noting the forlorn, disconnected expression she wore. “Doyou wanna take her, or shouldI?”
“We’regoing to the same place.I’lldrive her.Youlead.Whenwe get there, we’ll take her up together.”
Henodded, disappearing over to his own car.
AndasIslipped from the backseat of my own vehicle to slide into the driver’s seat,Icouldn’t help but scan the horizon, a feeling of foreboding building in my gut.
Someonewas out there, trying to kill our girl, and we needed to find them before they got to her–successfully this time.
Icould feel myself slipping back into that world of darkness that accompanied my panic attacks.Fightingit was pointless, soIlet it take me asJasperdrove through the midday traffic, taking far more twists and turns thanIsuspected were necessary to reach our destination.
I’djust fucked him in the backseat of his car, hoping to chase away the feelings of doom and gloom, but to no avail.Thehigh had only lasted untilIcame down from my orgasm, and even then, it wasn’t enough.Idropped and kept on dropping, and the wayRafejust sped off like a bat out of hell, battered, bruised, and broken, scratched at my soul like an angry cat left out in the rain.
Heknew.HeknewIknew.Andsomewhere deep in his soul, there was a story lingering that he wasn’t ready to tell.Whichwas fair–Iwasn’t sureIwas prepared to tell him my whole story, either.Thatcould wait for another day, another time.
Butit still wrecked what was left of me mentally that he as good as admitted that his name was a cover.ThateverythingIknew about him was real–or not, depending on the fact we were analyzing at the moment.Thathe could walk away from me,knowingIknew, knowing there was more to discuss, that was what hurt.
Iwasn’t sure how much he’d believed me capable of, but from the way he took off,I’dsuspect he thought it was all my fault.Ihadn’t even had a chance to drop the big bomb–the pregnancy.
Hell, he might never want to see me again.