Page 13 of Queen Of Dark Money

Shemight disagree with whatIwas doing, but she knew whyIwas doing it, and she was proud of my decision.Andthat meant more to me than anything else in this world.

“Mom,”Isniffled, wiping furiously at the corner of my eyes, “Ifucking love you.Andif it’s in my power to make sure you’re around long enough for me to make a few more bad decisions before someone takes pity on me and wifes me up,I’lldo whatever it takes to give you that time.”

Ofcourse, afterImade that admission, we were both all tears for a little while.Whowouldn’t be?Shewas reluctant to let me go, but there wasn’t much she could do from her sick bed, and her doctor would probably strangle her if she tried to chase me down in her condition.

Andhe could do it.Theman was stacked like a brick shithouse.She’dalready cunningly tried to hook us up together whenever he came in the room whileIwas present.Itwould have been funny, exceptIthink he took her quite seriously, as most people who didn’t know my mom did.

Ispent the next three days at her side, soaking up as much of her time as possible.Iwent home only to log onto the cam site once or twice, upload a new video, and promise to go live again in a week or so when things calmed down.Mostof my regulars were chill with it–Ilost a few people, but not enough to give a damn.

Iresigned from my part-time job at the end of the week, with a promise to let them know ifIever came back that way looking for employment.

Withall my loose ends tied up, leaving at the end of the week was a lot less dramatic thanI’dexpected.Aspromised, a car was outside the hospital waiting for me at eleven on the dot.Isaid my once again tearful goodbyes withMomand climbed into thatcar, my future as uncertain as hers had been a week and a half ago.Now, at least one of us was promised an optimistic future.

Thatwas what made all this worth it.Ijust had to keep telling myself that until it sank in and became the truth.



GoingthroughTSAnot once, but twice, and then suffering through a flight with a very irate baby on board, was not on my list of ‘things to accomplish this year’, but here we were.Thesix-hour flight was noisy, irritating, and absolutely nightmarish.ButhereIwas, on the other side of the country from whereI’dspent my whole life, in a place calledKhulaCity.

Adriver met me at the airport in fancy digs, driving a fancy, blacked-out car, andIfelt damn near like royalty as he took my bags and loaded them up in the trunk.Fuckereven held open the door for me and shut it behind me.Though,Iassumed this was the kind of treatment my twin had grown up with her whole life.I’dhave to try my damndest to fit in and let others do the basic thingsIwas so used to doing for myself ifIwanted to make this believable.It’dbe challenging, butI’ddone more difficult things in my life.Whatwas a little bit of letting myself be pampered, in the grander scheme of things?

Turnedout, it was harder thanIthought it’d be.Betweenthe airport and the hotelIassumedI’dbeen put up in for a good reason,Imanaged to gape at the city like a fucking tourist, eyes wider than saucers, mouth hanging unhinged as the lightsflashed by in the darkness.Icould only imagine what the city would look like in the daytime.Itwas already majestic enough at night.

Nobodywas there to greet us as the car pulled to a stop in a circular driveway that practically rode right up to the front door.Therewas a single, solitary person behind the front desk, and when they looked up and spotted me,IrealizedI’dabandoned my sunglasses in my purse and forgotten my mask, because their eyes blew wide in recognition at the sight of me.

“O-oh, hello,MissSinclair!Pardonus for the low staffing tonight–I’llcall for a bellboy right away to carry your bags up to the penthouse–”

Thepoor girl fell all over herself grabbing for the phone on the desk, andIheld up a hand to halt her progress, hoping she wouldn’t drag some poor, unfortunate soul out here to carry what amounted to an overnight bag. “Please, that’s not necessary–”

“Ma’am, let the workers do their jobs, okay?”Thedriver who’d insisted on bringing my bag in himself gently grabbed me by the elbow and tugged me along,Ithink in an attempt to distract me from the people practically prostrating themselves at my feet.

Ididn’t like it.

“Uhm,Idon’t really think this is all that necessary, consideringIonly have one bag and am perfectly capable of carrying it myself–”

Hetugged again, a bit more forcefully this time. “MissSinclair,Iinsist you allow those who are hired to take care of such things to do their jobs.”Hiseyes were hard and unyielding, andIrealized what he was trying to do.Therewas a clear effort on his part to hint at a change in my behavior, andIrealized that these people must be familiar with my sister—my twin.

Holyshit, wouldIget to meet my twin finally?Iknew who she was, andI’dseen pictures, sure, butI’dnever met her, spoken to her, or even wrote a letter.Theoretically,Icould have reached out a long time ago through social media,I’msure, and touched base with her, but there was a part of me that was too afraidI’dhave to interact with the man who’d only thought one of his children worthy of taking his last name.AndIwasn’t sure my advances would even be welcome.

Now, though, it would almost be a requirement to meet her, soIcould learn to act like her.


“Ah, yes, sorry.Shallwe?”Iadopted a more haughty air and tilted my head up a bit, like my nose belonged in the air, gesturing for him to lead us on to whatever destination he had in mind.Aftera brief pause, the driver turned to the front desk girl and waved her up, clearing his throat.

“MissSinclairdid not bring much luggage, so your services will not be needed.Thankyou,Margaret.”

Shefumbled a multitude of random apologies and gracious thanks as her feet carried her hurriedly around to the other side of the desk.Asshe returned to her work,Icouldn’t help but notice her eyes followed me, a more-than-inquisitive look in their depths.Almostlike she was confused, but intrigued.

Iwas less than two hours into this job and already fucking it up.Gome.

Inthe elevator, the driver dropped my arm and dusted his jacket of invisible dirt in that annoying way high-society snobs do when someone they think is beneath them dares to touch some part of their body.Heturned to me with a slight sneer and gave me the head-to-toe survey.Itmade my skin crawl.

“Soyou’re the girl thatSinclairis using to fill in for his daughter?”

Inodded slowly, unsure what information he was privy to. “Theone and only.”