omeon, come on, we’re going to be late!”Rafewaggled his perfectly-sculpted brows at me asIhobbled along on my crutches, careful to place the damn rubber tips on parts of the grass that didn’t still look wet from the morning dew. “Youare such a slowpoke–here, let me help.”
Ididn’t have time to utter more than a squeak of protest as he lifted me from the ground, letting the crutches fall forRiverto grab as he brought up the rear. “Rafe, hold your horses!Jesus, you’re so impatient!”Mylaughter bubbled up and spilled forth like a backwoods spring well, andIcouldn’t stop the infectiousness of it asRafeandRivstarted to laugh as well.
Theamusement didn’t wear off as we reached the front steps of this fucking palatial mansion, larger than life and more expansive thanIcould ever imagine any human having a use for.
Itipped my head back, shielding my eyes against the morning sun. “Whatare we doing here again?”
Rafesmiled but didn’t answer me, his gaze focused on the front door.Riverleaned over his shoulder and placed a briefkiss on my forehead, worry creasing lines into his face. “We’remeeting up with a friend today.Justrelax and enjoy the fresh air, okay?”
“Okay, okay,”Iconceded, rolling my eyes at him playfully. “I’lltry to be patient and relax.”
Afterthe three straight days sequestered away in that hotel suite with him, doing nothing but lounging around, soaking in the hot tub, being hand-fed exotic fruits and cheeses, and–well, making love, because the sex we were having in that hotel room was most definitelynotjust simple fucking.Itwas passionate, it was raw, it was emotional and connected us on a levelI’dnever reached with another human being before.
Iwas so lovestruckI’dgive this man anything he asked for.Andsince his requests were so few and far between,Icould give him this one.
Awarm blush snuck into my cheeks, andIhid my face inRafe’sneck to avoidRiver’sknowing grin and sparkling laughter.Hehadn’t missed a single opportunity since we left that hotel to tease me, andIkept getting sly sideways looks fromRafe, who just shook his head and sighed every single time.
Iwondered if he could see it on my face–the changeIfelt inside me.ThepersonI’dbecome, thanks to their encouragement, protection, and even love.Ididn’t feel like the girlI’dleft behind across the country.Ifelt like someone who could hold their own, like a woman who knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to take it when the opportunity arose.
Wouldanyone even recognize me anymore?
Wouldthe guys know?Wouldthey feel the change?Moreimportantly, would they like it?
RiverandRafeseemed okay with it, but they were only half of this new lifeIwas building.JasperandDominickwere wildcards.Iwasn’t sure how they’d react, and thoughI’dseenthem whileIwas in the hospital, and they’d watched me murderSinclair, they hadn’t interacted with me since.
Wouldthey like the personI’dwoken up as the very next day?
Dominickgreeted us at the door, his smile wide as he beamed down at me.Minewas quickly becoming a scowl asIrealized everyone was in a far too good mood for a simple meeting with a friend.Iknew what it looked like when a man was up to something.
Andevery single one of these fuckers was very much up to something.
Jasperpeeked around his shoulder, winking at me before he took the crutches fromRiver, nodding toRafe. “Sether down,Weatherston.She’sgoing to want to be on her own two feet.”
Rafegrumbled but acquiesced, lowering me gently with a frustrated huff.Whenmy feet touched the floor, standing on my own wasn’t as hard as it had been fresh out of the hospital.Iwas becoming accustomed to the crutches despite the boys and their newfound enjoyment in carrying me literally everywhere.
Theyescorted me into a room with floor-to-ceiling windows on one side, natural light streaming in unfettered.Theroom was painted in shades of green and grey, a stunning blend that made it feel almost like it was part of the forest beyond it.Standingin the center of the room was a woman with pale white-blonde hair, lips painted redder than a fire engine, and heels that made her as tall as most of my men.
Sheexuded power and dominance, a confident, heady blendIhoped to someday achieve, as she strode over to where we’d stopped and offered me her hand.
“Youmust beKerenza.”Shegave me the customary once-over power move and smiled, nodding once to herself in confirmation. “Everythingthey said about you was true,Isee.”
“Thatsounds a bit ominous,”Ihedged, narrowing my eyes at her. “Goodor bad?”
Shewaved off my concerns, spinning a chair around in a circle to plant it next to me on the floor. “Allgood,Iassure you.Ifany of them had a single thing bad to say,Ididn’t hear it.”Herlong, manicured nails pointed at the chair as she pinned me with a stare that brooked no argument. “Sit.”
Onceagain,Ifound myself doing asIwas told, taking a seat to the absolute relief of my knees.Standingfor long periods was still difficult, but getting easier every day.AsIbuilt up my stamina and strength,Ifound myself doing thingsIused to be able to do, albeit at a much slower pace now.
“You’reprobably wondering whoIam,Iassume,” she remarked dryly, tossing a knowing glare in the guys’ direction.Theypretended to be interested in anything but her, an interesting reaction to this woman who seemed harmless enough, if a little intimidating. “You’vemet my harem of men–Spectre,Gatt,Soldier, andKing.I’mtheir de facto leader,RenataTorini.”Hernose crinkled, a disgusted look crossing her face in a brief flash. “No.NotTorini.JustRenata.”
“Oookaythen.”Iwas beginning to wonder if she was just as weird and off-kilter as the rest of theKingswhen she dropped a key inDom’shand, her lips curled in a sniggering smirk.
“Makesure you take good care of the place,” she muttered, turning back to me, her eyes light and playful now. “Andyou.Whenyou’re better, we’ve gotta chat.It’sbeen so long sinceI’vehad a new female friend; it’ll be nice to talk to someone new.”Herhand came to rest on my shoulder, and her look switched to a more serious one. “Ifyou need to talk to someone about what happened the other day,I’vegot a great therapist on call.She’samazing, and she specializes in, well,sensitive circumstances.”
Shewalked out beforeIcould ask her a single thing, and as the door closed,Ifound myself more confused than whenI’dwalked in.Ilooked up toDom, eyes narrowed as his face morphed into a look of sheepish embarrassment. “Okay, spill it.Whatthe fuck was that all about?Andwhat’s with that key she gave you?”Isquinted harder as he slid a finger beneath his collar, smelling blood in the water. “Didshe just give you a car?”
“Notexactly,” he muttered, side-stepping the conversation with all the nervous energy of a child who’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “Comeon, we’re not done yet.There’ssomeone else you need to see while you’re here.”
Iwas about worn out on meeting new people, but arguing with these men worked about as well as talking to a brick wall, soIshrugged and hobbled after him, refusing the offers to carry me like some medieval princess in a fairytale.