ToobadAcewas determined to find a reason to kill her.
Thesecond one put his hands on her shoulders, and the little yelp she let out when his hands constricted against her skin and dug into the flesh beneath her shirt had me seeing red.
Ishoved through the crowd of gang bangers shielding me from view and stepped up behind the asshole manhandling the doc.Steelingmyself for a fight,Itapped him on the shoulder, really ramming my finger into the skin there to vent some frustration.
Heturned around and sneered down at me. "Whothe fuck are you?"
"Ithink you're hurting the lady,"Idrawled politely, playing the roleI'dbeen born for. "Perhapsyou should let her go."
"Yeah?Andmaybe you should go fuck yourself."
Mallorywinced as his one-handed hold on her tightened, the skin on her arm turning a mottled red beneath his grip.Iwasn't about to let her be manhandled, and without thinking,Ireached out and peeled his fingers back, then finished the move with a solid punch to the face for his troubles.
Aaaaandthat's about where things went south.
Malloryducked as his arm swung right where her head had just been and lumbered past her on its way to me.Imanaged to lean back in time to miss the damn thing by an inch, maybe two, and ducked around him, wrapping my arms around his neck in a sleeper hold as we turned to face his boss.
TheBrithad the nerve to laugh, fuckinglaugh,at my display of aggression, his eyes flicking toMalloryfor a split second, then back to me.Thosedark green orbs lit up with recognition, and his scowl deepened whenIdidn't return the look.
"Ican't believe it.Fortunesmiles upon us tonight, gents.MeetCassianFontaine, son of the sleaziest rat in lockup down south."
Iflinched at his cavalier use of my full name.Nobodyused my full name, not even my father now.Thatbastard had left me for dead and turned my mother over to his boss in an attempt to save his own thin skin.Ultimately, he took the fall for a crime he didn't commit, used as a scapegoat for the bigwig's son.Momrotted in a hole in the wall, where she died alone and miserable, in pain to the end, her beauty and life ripped away like the wind.
Andme, they gave to the streets, turned me out like a fucking dog, whereIbegged for scraps while my father wove his way in and out of jails, taking plea deals, rolling over on any criminal he thought wouldn't remember him when they got loose, anyone he thought could be spared to save him time inside.
Themark on his head grew so large, jail eventually became the only place he was somewhat safe.
"Mallory, get behind me,"Igrowled, pleased that she didn't argue asImoved in a half-circle, keeping the assholeKingin front of me at all times. "Whatthe fuck are you scumbags doing on our turf?You'venever shown any interest in this side of town before."
Ifelt the doc's hands on my shoulder blades, heard the quick intake of breath as she realized there was a pistol strapped to my spine.Herfingers traced the outline slowly, as if she were learning where to grab it if needed.
Goodfucking girl.That'sright.
IknewI'dseen something special in her, had known it ever sinceIheard her beautiful voice on that video call.
"LetSpectrego,Cassian, and we can talk like gentlemen."
Theman in my arms looked like he was about to pass out, soIshoved him off my chest and into the man who'd demanded his release, my left hand moving backward to findMallory.Igrazed her hip, inches away from mine, and smiled.She'dstay put behind me, and that would keep her safe.
"Whatdo you want,King?Spitit out and get on with shit, or get out of here.Youhaven't been welcome downtown in a long time, and that's unlikely to change any time soon."
Malloryslid off to my side, her hands on my arm, her eyes on theKingswho stood before us, eyes alight with something feral as they watched her.Theirde facto leader growled a warning, and the other two backed down, content to cross their arms and watch on.
"WhatIwant is information,Cassian, and you're just the man to get it for me."
Thesemen were trouble.TroubleIdidn't want to be a part of.
WhenSpadewas led off, and they drug me away from him,IthoughtIwas about to have to pull a knife in what was clearly a gunfight, butJokershowing up was a godsend.Afucking miracle in its own right.
Aswas the pistol strapped to his back.Iwasn't sure howIwould get to it ifIhad to, but knowing it was there was a bit of assurance that if shit went south,Imight stand a chance of surviving.