Page 57 of Queen Of WildCards

IftheSoldatwas here, then theKingswere hunting for someone.

Theirtiming couldn't possibly be more ironic or damning, depending on their reasons for being present in what they considered the slums ofKhulaCity.

AsIshook off the heavy feeling in the air, my feet moved once more, shuffling along asInodded to peopleIrecognized, shook hands with a few old business partners, and stopped to chat here and there when it might help me get closer to the people who wanted my head.I'dalmost convinced myself thatSpadelied about his intended destination to throw us off his trail when a familiar tinkling laugh echoed to my left, andIturned to find the doc inSpade'sarms, tossing her head back as he told jokes to one of his old sparring partners.

Shedidn't look like she was here unwillingly.Shelooked like she was having fun.

Maybemy decision to come had been a waste, after all.

Iwas conveniently hidden behind a group of bangers here for the festivities.Astheir attentions turned to the circling fighters in the ring,Iinched closer, soIcould use them as cover while eavesdropping on the conversation between my cohort and the men now surrounding him.

Threenew men had sidled up toSpade, their eyes cool and cunning as they flicked between him, the doc, and the match in the ring.Otherpeople on the floor made room for these three, and it set me on edge, the way they seemed to make the room move around them instead of the other way around.

Thetallest one spoke, his voice like a sweet, properBritishpurr as it left his lips. "Ah, you must beSpade.Weheard you fought here, but you're not on the list for the night."Hiseyes cut to the man in the ring currently pounding the life out of his opponent while cheers rose from the crowd on the other side of the ring. "OurSoldatwas most excited to meet you in combat.He'sheard you're undefeated here."

Spade'supper lip lifted in a sneer as he put two and two together. "Iam undefeated, two years running.Yourman is probably luckyI'mnot here to fight tonight."

Youfucking idiot.

Asmuch confidence asIhad in the man,Iknew he wasn't a match for the crazedKingin the ring.Withevery draw of his fist, blood slung behind him, splattering his close spectators in freckles of red.Hislips were lifted in a snarl as his opponent pleaded for mercy, something the man above seemed disinclined to grant him.

Butthese rings weren't death matches.Andeven theKingsweren't above the rules.

"That'sthe match!Winner, by a landslide,Soldat!"

Hestood in the center of the ring like a ghost of a man, a shell with nothing inside, and his eyes foundSpadewith unerring ease.

TheKingbesideSpadegripped his forearm pointedly, tossing his head toward the ring. "Ifyou're not going to be throwing punches, perhaps you'd like to trade a few words with my man there?"

Spadegrowled, but his hands releasedMallory, and he shrugged off theKingwith a roll of his eyes. "Ididn't know this was your territory,thug."Hiseyes roved over the doc with slow purpose, hesitating on her face until she gave him a slight nod. "Youlay a finger on her,I'llbreak every last one of them."

Hetossed his head back and laughed maniacally. "AsifI'dwaste my time."

Irubbed absently at the gun tucked safely between my shoulder blades, hidden from view by my stance and from the prying eyes of the doorman by the fat fiftyI'dbeen slipping him on occasion to look the other way whenIwalked in.I'dnever caused any harm, and broken up more than one fight to help him out, so he really didn't need much in the way of persuasion to not pat me down.

Theweight of the metal on my back, tucked neatly inside its holster, was a reassurance of an insurance policy for my life, shouldIneed it.

MallorywatchedSpadewalk off with a tight jaw and hands balled into fists at her side.Determinedto follow him, she swerved around a smirkingKingas he crossed his arms over his chest and tipped his nose up at her like she wasn't worth the dirt on the bottom of his shoe.

Sheno sooner got a foot beyond him than two other men appeared like shadow wraiths, slipping their arms through hers and tugging her back where she started as she fought their grasp.

"Hey, no, wait—excuse you, asshole,Iwas going somewhere—"

Theyset her back down in front of theBrit, and he practically leered at her, his lips quirked up in that smirk he'd worn since he first walked in, no doubt.

"Youaren't going anywhere, pet.Letthe two grown men have a chat, and then you and your keeper can slink off where you came from.Wejust want some information, that's all."

Mallory, god love her, cocked a brow and tilted her head to the side like she struggled to take him all in. "Andwhat does that have to do with me?I'mnotyourproperty, ya fuckstick."

Thetwo men on either side of her closed in, but she held her own, keeping them both at bay with a pointed look.

"That'sfar enough, bitch," one growled at her, his eyes narrowed as she stared him down though she was a whole head shorter than him.

"Lookwho's talking," she snapped back, a smirk on her face that had me harder than a steel beam in my pants.

Fuck, she could give as good as she got.

Shewas perfect.