AfterIlet myself be thoroughly fucked on top of a stolen car after outrunning the police, there really was nowhere to go but up.Itwas the single-most risque thingI'dever done, sex with a strangerI'dstabbed the night before—and unprotected, no less.
Washe clean?
Whateven was my life now?Onenight with a band of criminals as their captive andIhad already turned into a brazen whore slash getaway driver, a kidnapper, and was now guilty of grand theft auto.
Iwas no better than my old man.
Spadedidn't let me wallow in my self-pity long.
Helumbered around the car with a hand around the base of my neck, guiding me into place on the passenger side of the vehicle before he released me with a grunt. "Getin and buckle up."
Istared at the door to the car, and something inside me recoiled at the idea of going back to being a prisoner.Hisprisoner.Theirprisoner. "No."
Hestared slack-jawed at me as ifI'dsprouted another head. "Isaid, get in the car, sweetheart."Histhumb brushed against the arch of my spine at my hairline, sending a shiver through me at the implied threat. "Don'tmake me ask again."
Sensinga fight wouldn't be the smartest option,Iopted to listen to directions, pulling the door open with a shaking hand.Whenhe saw me in the car and was satisfied with my secured belt, he marched back around the front and slid into the driver's seat, a grimace on his lips.
"Alright.Offwe go."
Hishands ran along the steering wheel as he navigated us down the dirt road we'd ended up on and plenty far away from where we'd come in before chancing a trip back to the main roads.Ididn't pay attention to where we were headed, only what he was doing, andInoticed with a start that a fresh blossom of blood was steadily staining his shirt, just about whereI'dstabbed him with my blade last night.
"Spade,"Ihesitantly whispered, a hand stretched toward him.
Hiseyes cut sideways to meet mine briefly as he kept driving. "What'scooking, good-looking?"
"Yourwound,"Imumbled, a blush working over my cheeks despite myself. "You'rebleeding again.Ithink you tore your stitches."
Hisgaze flicked down to his shirt, and a slow smile spread on his lips. "Itwas worth it."
Thatwas it.Noconcern, no interest, just amusement.Hell,I'deven go so far as to say he enjoyed it.
"You'renot afraid you'll bleed out?"
Heshook his head. "Nah.I'mnotJoker."
Icocked my head, and something in my confused expression must have given him pause because he clammed up, saying nothing more on the subject.
Ino sooner blinked than we were sitting in front of my fucking apartment.
"Whyare we here?"Iasked stupidly, staring blankly at the nondescript building with apprehension.Mytop was torn straight down the middle, and he was covered in blood, but the first thought that sprang to my mind was the hope that he was letting me go.
Thathe'd gotten what he wanted, so nowIwas free.
Butmy face fell as he stepped out of the car and onto the sidewalk, dusting himself off with another grimace of pain.
Hepeeked back into the car with a little twitch of his brow. "Youcoming, or doIhave to come over there and get you?"
Iscrambled from the car and followed him to the door, where he waited patiently for me to enter my code.Ihad to lead the way up, though, as it appeared he knew what building mine was, but nothing about where on the insideImade my home.
"Thisis where you live?"