“Did I? Hmm, that’s interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever done that.”

“You think that means something?’

He laughed. “No, because God wouldn’t give me another stubborn ass woman to live with.”

I gasped. “You think I’m stubborn?”

“I don’t think anything. It’s a proven fact. Here’s your breakfast. Do you want me to run you a bath for when you’re done?”

“Umm, only if you’ll get in with me.” He shook his head but agreed to join me.

After I finished eating, our bath was ready. Clinton got in first, and I sat between his legs with my back against his chest.

“Is the water good?”

“It’s perfect. Why is your dick hard?”

“Is that a serious question?”

“Yes. We just got in here, and I’ve barely touched you.”

“None of that shit matters, baby. You don’t know how hard it is to keep this muthafucka down when we’re in the same space. The brainpower it takes should be offered as a college-level class.”


I closed my eyes as he rubbed my huge belly. I only had about six weeks left, and I couldn’t believe how big my stomach had gotten. This whole pregnancy had been kind of surreal, considering I’d miscarried early on in my other pregnancies.

My life, a life that I thought I no longer wanted, had done a one-eighty in the past seven and a half months. Mentally, I’d come so far that it was hard for me to believe I’d considered taking my life.

“I never thought I could be this happy. Thank you for being one of the reasons.”

“I’m glad I could be a part of your journey to happiness, baby. I hope I can continue to be one of the reasons you wake up with a smile, looking forward to each day.”

“I don’t think you know how much your presence changed my outlook on life.”

He kissed my temple as his hand continued to caress my stomach.

“I understand a lot more than you think.”

“Why do you say that?”

He didn’t respond immediately, but I waited patiently because I was very interested in his response.

“I planned to go to my grave with this, but I think it might be beneficial to have this conversation.”

“Umm, okay.” I’d suddenly become nervous.

“When I came back to your hotel room, I wasn’t expecting such a warm welcome. I didn’t know if you’d allow me to stay with you or if you wanted nothing else to do with me. I decided to take a chance because something in my spirit told me you needed me.”

“I did.”

“I know, but I didn’t know how much until I saw the pills in the garbage.”

My body tensed, and I closed my eyes, hoping to catch the tears that began to fall immediately. “You saw the pills?”

“I did, and I was so angry with you for a moment. I had to get on my knees in that bathroom and ask the Lord how to handle you and this situation. I could’ve flown out sooner, but God told me I couldn’t leave you until your mind matched your heart.”

“Oh my God.”