“What the fuck?” Winston groaned.

“Who the fuck are you?” Cairo questioned Evander.

“Shut the fuck up,” I responded to them both as I flipped an empty chair around and sat down. “Since I’m dealing with two bitch ass niggas who wouldn’t hesitate to get the law involved, I’m doing my best not to fuck y’all up. I have a lot more to lose than you ignorant muthafuckas.”

“Man, you—”

Before Winston could finish, I flipped my arm up, and my fist hit his mouth. “I said, shut the fuck up.” He glared at me while holding his mouth but didn’t speak.

“I’m trying to get home to my woman, so this won’t take long. Cairo, what do you have against Mona that makes it so easy for you to put her in harm’s way?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he denied.

“Is Winston blackmailing you?” I pressed.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I’m not—” Winston began.

“Shut the fuck up!” Evander and I barked.

“Why would Winston blackmail me?”

“Maybe because he knows you don’t want Karla to find out you’re cheating on her.”

“What? I—”

“The woman you were supposed to meet here tonight sent me everything. She even had some of her friends send you messages about hooking up, and you took the bait every single time. For some reason, Karla loves you, and this information would break her heart.”

“Fine. I gave him Mona’s address, but he said he only wanted to talk to her.”

“Did you really believe he only wanted to talk?”

“Why wouldn’t I? I’ve never known him to be violent toward women.”

I pulled out my phone and went to the video of Winston at Mona’s apartment.

“Does this look or sound like someone who just wants to talk?”

I hit play and held my phone so only Cairo could see. Maybe the nigga did have a heart because the faces he made while watching showed he was disturbed. I glanced at Winston, who looked like he’d seen a ghost and could only hear the video.

“Damn, nigga. Did you smoke some bad weed before you went over there? You look and sound crazy as fuck,” Cairo spat to Winston.

“Man—” Winston began.

“Nah, I don’t wanna hear that shit. Karla would never have forgiven me if you’d hurt Mona.”

“Why do you give a fuck? I thought you already had someone in line to replace her?”

“Nigga, I’m not leaving my wife and family for none of these bitches so I can end up alone and desperate like your dumb ass.”

“Aye, I’m not here to referee your lover’s quarrel,” I interrupted. “Winston, if Mona tells me she’s had any more problems with you, this footage of you harassing her will be sent to your boss and any bosses you have in the future. Cairo, I suggest you find better friends.”

I stood to leave, but Cairo stopped me by grabbing my arm. I looked at his hand, then his face, and he released me. “My bad, but umm, can you keep this between us?”

I chuckled snidely but didn’t give him an answer. He needed to sweat a little bit.