“No, and this is when I can get the most work done.”

“You haven’t come here often on Sundays since we’ve been together. Are you saying I’m stopping you from being productive?”

“Umm, I’m not sure where that came from, but no, that’s not what I’m saying.”

“Am I stopping you from being productive now?”

“You’re a welcomed distraction, baby.” He grabbed the front of my neck and pulled me into a kiss.

It was the end of June, and the weather in Chicago had finally started to feel like summer. I wore a flowy skirt with an oversizedgraphic T-shirt. When I felt his hand traveling up my thigh, I knew what type of time he was on.

“Let’s get to the real reason why I’m here,” I whispered against his lips.

“Tell me.”

“How about I show you?”

I stood and lifted my skirt above my waist, showing him that I wasn’t wearing panties.

“Oh shit. You came prepared.”

“I was horny and figured you wouldn’t mind taking care of that for me. My panties are in my car.”

“You should’ve brought them to me so I can suck the juice from the crotch.”

“Why, when you can suck it directly from the source?”

I sat my bare ass on his desk, leaned back onto my elbows, and slipped off my shoes, ready to be devoured.

“You have a point.” He lifted my legs onto his shoulders and took me to heaven.

The way I screamed bloody murder upon my climax could’ve summoned my ancestors. It was truly otherworldly. When he came up for air, he carefully helped me down from his desk, turned me around, and sat me on his dick. I held onto his desk, pushed my ass against him, and rotated my hips until he began to pulsate inside me.

“I forgotto ask you about brunch. Did you enjoy the restaurant Alyssa recommended?”

“Yes, the food was amazing, but everything else was… interesting.”

“Is that good or bad?”

After the lovemaking session in his office, he decided he’d worked enough today. We came home and watched a movie, and now he was keeping me company while I made dinner.

“I’m pretty sure Cairo is the culprit who gave my address to my ex.”

“Baby, that ain’t some shit you should play about.”

“I’m not playing. Karla was damn near in tears when I told them about the incident. She said Cairo asked for my address because he wanted to send me flowers to apologize for game night. Of course, she didn’t think anything of it because why would she?”

“Are y’all cool? Did some shit happen between y’all that you don’t want to tell me?”

“No. Me and Karla—”

“Not her, her bitch ass husband. Does he have a problem with you?”

“Not that I know of, but I was wondering the same thing.”

He didn’t say anything for a long time while I moved around the kitchen. I knew he was fuming, so I gave him time to cool off.

“Birds of a feather,” he mumbled.