“Let us see,” Karla requested.

“Fine, but don’t laugh at me.” I propped my phone up on the dresser and stepped back.

“Girl, why would we laugh? Being pregnant—oh my God, Mona. You look adorable,” Karla cooed.

“Absolutely adorable,” Lariah agreed.

“Y’all think so?”

“We wouldn’t lie to you, sis,” Lariah said. “Do you have anything to wear?”

“No, I need to go shopping ASAP. Clinton left a few of his button-down shirts here. I’m gonna see if I can work some magic with one of those and do some online shopping today at work.”

“Let us know if you want us to meet you at one of the malls tonight to pick up a few things to make it through the week,” Karla offered.

“Yes! Can we?”

“Lariah, are you available?” Karla asked.

“Just let me know where we’re meeting.”

“Okay, but before I let y’all go, I wanted to invite you to my birthday party. It’s next Saturday at Pinstripes on E. Illinois.”

“You’re having a party?” Karla inquired.

“And it’sthisSaturday?” Lariah asked.

“Okay, so what had happened was, Clinton and I were talking about when and how we would tell our families about us and thebaby. Since our birthdays are a week apart, we decided to have a joint celebration.”

“And you planned all this without us?” Lariah pressed.

“Not really. Clinton’s assistant pretty much made all the arrangements.”

“Why are we just now hearing about this?” Karla questioned.

“I’ve been hesitant about bringing it up because…” I let my words fade as I tried to formulate a response.

“What’s making you hesitant?” Karla continued.

“I’m not so sure Cairo should come. What happened at your house was very telling, Karla. It’s clear that Cairo’s loyalty is to Winston. How should I feel about that?”

She released a frustrated sigh. “You have a right to feel some type of way about it. Hell, I’m still pissed that he still talks to that bum ass nigga.”

“So, you’re good with him not coming? He’s Clinton’s least favorite person right now, just above Winston. This is his birthday party, too, and I don’t want anything to pop off between them.”

“It’s cool.”

“For the record, Dom had no idea Cairo had invited Winston. To my knowledge, he doesn’t talk to Winston, but he probably won’t come if he knows Cairo won’t be there,” Lariah said.

“I kinda figured that, but please let him know he’s welcome. I’ll send y’all the rest of the details via text. I need to get moving, or I’ll be late.”

“Hold on. I have a confession,” Karla announced.

“We’ve had enough surprises this morning,” Lariah quipped. “Is it important?”

“It has nothing to do with you, so you can go if you need to,” Karla told Lariah.

“And miss the tea? Nah, spill it.”