“Really? Congratulations!” Mona said.

August, Evander, and I congratulated Juelz, standing to high-five him while the ladies sought confirmation.

“You’re what!” Austyn almost shouted.

“Janeevah!” Norah exclaimed.

“Oh, hush! I was planning to tell y’all tonight.”

“Tonight? You should’ve told us months ago, heffa,” Austyn said.

“I know, but after the miscarriage, I wanted to wait a little longer this time.”

“Oh, sis. I’m so sorry. I didn’t think about that. You’re not a heffa. Congratulations, bestie.”

“It’s okay, Austyn. I’ll forgive you if you let Evander knock you up again so you can be pregnant with me and Mona. You too, Norah.”

“Oh, hell nah! Congrats, but don’t put me in y’all mess. We are done over here,” Norah said adamantly.

Norah and August had three children, while Austyn and Evander had two.

“When did we agree to that?” her husband questioned.

“Boy, I’m not about to have this conversation with you right now,” she replied.

He leaned toward her and said in a low voice but loud enough for us to still hear him. “Call me a boy again, and I’m gon’ take you to the bathroom and let my dick do the talking.”

Norah rolled her eyes while smiling at her husband, pretending to sip her drink.

“We can definitely go half on another baby,” Evander said, wrapping his arm around Austyn and kissing her cheek.

“I’ll give you as many babies as you want,” she cooed before turning to kiss him on the lips.

“Wow! Are y’all always like this?” Mona questioned.

“Like what?” Austyn asked.

“I’ve been sitting here watching how you interact with each other. It’s so… I’m not sure what to call it, but I’ve never been around couples who were so… affectionate and loving. Even my best friends and their husbands aren’t this way. Are y’all like this all the time? Because it’s beautiful.”

“This is us all the time,” Janeevah responded.

“And you are now one of us, so get used to it,” Norah said.

Just as I told her, Mona had nothing to worry about. I expected my friends and their wives to give her a warm welcome, but they surpassed my expectations. Mona had her best friends, but I hoped she could build a solid relationship with these ladies as well.

Our food finally arrived, and we continued to enjoy the evening. By the time we left, my stomach was full, and I was too inebriated to drive. Mona didn’t complain about having to drive, and I dozed off on the way to her apartment.

When I felt the car stop, I opened my eyes and looked around, noticing we were in the parking garage, parked in her visitor spot.

“I assumed you were staying with me tonight since you can’t drive home.”

“Is that okay?”

“Of course.”

Neither of us made a move to get out of the truck, and we sat in silence for a minute. I let my head fall back on the headrest and closed my eyes, but I felt her eyes on me. When I turned to look in her direction, she stared at me with a smile.

“Why are you looking at me smiling?”