“I know someone who wants to help increase your level of happiness and enhance your life if you’ll allow him.”

I leaned forward and kissed his lips. “Really? Tell me more.”

“He’s handsome, financially stable, you won’t have to worry about baby mama drama,andhe understands what it means to be in a committed relationship.”

“He sounds very intriguing, but you left out one thing.”

“Really? He sounds perfect to me.”

I stood, lifted the hem of my sweater, and pulled it over my head. “I need to know what that dick do.”

He pushed his sweatpants over his hips, and the way his dick sprang to life made my mouth pop open.

“I think you know, but c’mere and let me remind you.”

He adjusted his body on the couch, and I straddled him, slowly sinking onto his dick. We sighed with relief as if we hadn’t connected this way less than an hour ago.

“Show me how you ride this dick.” His voice was low and filled with desire.

I grabbed the back of the couch to brace myself. My breasts aligned with his mouth, and he took full advantage of it, swiping his tongue across my nipples.

“Mmm, yes, baby,” I cooed while moving my hips in a circular motion.

The more he licked, the wetter my pussy became. As I squeezed my walls around him, I tightened my grip on the back of the couch and bounced my ass up and down.

“Nah, you ain’t playing fair, baby.”

He palmed my ass and took control of my rhythm, slowing my pace. However, nothing could stop the storm between our loins from brewing. Our climaxes began to build, and the simultaneous pulsing and throbbing sent me over the edge.

“Oh damn! I’m—”

“Me, too, baby. Let it go!”

My apartment was momentarily filled with moans and groans until only our heavy breathing could be heard. His head rested on my chest while mine fell on his shoulder. I inhaled his manly scent, mixed with our combined pheromones, and it smelled like the sexiest perfume ever created.

“You good?” he whispered.

“Yes… and I’m pregnant.”



Ithought I’d heard Mona say she was pregnant, but I must have misheard or misunderstood her. It wasn’t that I didn’t think it was possible because we’d been beyond reckless. I was more surprised by how long she’d waited to tell me.

“You’re what?” I asked for clarification.

She lifted her head from my shoulder, and our eyes locked. “I’m pregnant.”

“How long have you known?”

“Since yesterday.”


She nodded nervously. “I took a test because I’ve been feeling sick for a few weeks, and I threw up.”

“Please don’t take this the wrong way, but—”