Evander’s idea was horrible, but I found myself agreeing.

“I’ll try it, but you know nobody likes ultimatums. If she tells me to go fuck myself, I’m gon’ beat your ass tomorrow,” I warned him.

“I’m not worried about your ass. You ready to call it a day?”

Before I could respond, my cell phone rang with Mona’s name flashing across the screen.

“Hey, baby.”

“Can you come to my place?” She spoke so softly I could barely hear her.

“Yeah, are you okay? Is the baby okay?”

“The baby is fine. Can you just come?”

“I’m on my way.”

I ended the call and quickly gathered my things.

“Is everything good?”

“Something is wrong, but the baby is okay. I’ll update you later.”

The next thirty minutes were a blur as I weaved in and out of traffic, trying to get to Mona as fast as possible. I parked in her visitor’s space and rushed into the building. Of course, it felt like the elevator moved at a snail’s pace, but I raced toward her unit when it opened on her floor.

After letting myself into her apartment, I paused at the door when I noticed a man in her kitchen. Thankfully, I realized it was her next door neighbor Anton before shit went left.

We’d chopped it up a few times when we ran into each other in the parking garage and on the elevator. He was cool and offered to look out for Mona when I wasn’t around, which I appreciated. He began explaining before I could ask him what he was doing there.

“Her ex was pounding on her door when she got home. Luckily, we were on the elevator together because things may have been much worse if she’d been alone.”

“The fuck did that nigga want?” I wasn’t expecting Anton to answer.

“He wasn’t here for a wellness check, that’s for damn sure. When he noticed us, he charged toward us and went on a rant. I moved her behind me and made sure he couldn’t get to her. He said some disgusting things and called her every derogatory name in the book. When he noticed her belly, he went ballistic.I’ve never seen anyone so enraged. He didn’t leave until I threatened to call the police, but Mona is understandably shaken up.”

“I’m sure. Thank you for being there, man. I appreciate you, and I’m sure she does too.”

“No problem. She’s in her bedroom.”

Anton left, and I rushed to her bedroom. She was curled up in the fetal position on the bed. I got in behind her, wrapping her in my arms.

“I’m here, baby.” I kissed her temple.

“How did he find out where I live?”

“I don’t know, but I plan to find out.”

“Why is he bothering me?”

“Because he’s miserable, and misery loves company.”

She turned around to face me. “He’s never put his hands on me, but if Anton hadn’t been with me, I think he would’ve. When he saw my stomach, something in his eyes shifted, and he lost it.”

“I’m thankful Anton was with you.”

“Me too.”

We spoke simultaneously. “Does the offer still stand—”