“I suppose I should. If they can come, great. If not, the party must go on. Do you think we should rent a room at a restaurant?” I asked, returning to our original topic.
“I’m guessing there might be forty to fifty people. Reserving a room would be best. I’ll put my assistant on it tomorrow. If we do the Saturday that falls between our birthdays, that gives us almost two weeks to get it together.”
“You think that’s enough time?”
He shrugged. “I guess we’ll find out tomorrow. Once we have a location confirmed, everything else should be easy.”
“Okay, but I have one question.”
“What’s that?”
“Can Cairo and Dominick come?”
He sighed and shook his head. “I haven’t had enough time to get over the bullshit that happened two days ago. Is that a serious question?”
“Yes, it’s serious. I have to have my girls there if I’m celebrating my birthday, and it would be rude to invite them and tell them not to bring their husbands.”
“I can name a few worse things, but I’m not about to go back and forth with you about those people. Dominick seemed cool, for the most part, except for that slick comment about my company being Primerica. Cairo is another story, but do what you want, baby. If those niggas do or say something stupid, I’ll match their energy.”
“Baby, you—”
“Nah, Mona. I don’t want to talk about them anymore. Invite them, or don’t invite them. Either way, you’ve been warned.”
“I had no idea you were so bossy.”
“I’m not bossy.”
“You are, and when you call yourself putting me in my place or letting me know wassup, I want to be mad or annoyed, but my pussy betrays me every time.”
“Let me make something clear… I have never tried to put you in your place because I’m not that kind of man. However, I’ll let you know wassup all day long.”
I smacked my lips and rolled my eyes. “That’s the same thing, but whatever.”
He laughed before responding. “I told you in New Orleans that this pussy was mine until I tell you different. Have I told you different?”
“She will forever betray you where I’m concerned. She knows she belongs to me and will always be obedient to her master. She can’t get enough of me, and I damn sure can’t get enough of her.”
I truly believed him when he said he couldn’t get enough because, somehow, some way, he always found his way between my legs… and I didn’t mind it one bit. In fact, I welcomed every opportunity to do the nasty with him. There was a time, not very long ago, when the thought of sex turned my stomach. However, that was no longer the case.
Now, when I thought of sex, I had flashbacks of moments just like this, when a simple conversation ended with Clinton’s face buried in my pussy, providing more pleasure with his mouth than I’d experienced during my entire marriage.
My oh my, things had surely changed.
“My stomach wasn'tthis big when I went to bed last night. It’s like I blew up overnight.”
It had been a week since Karla had invited Clinton and me over for game night. We’d spoken briefly since then, but Karla changed the subject every time I brought up that night.
“Sis, you scared me half to death calling so early. I thought it was an emergency,” Karla fussed.
As promised, Clinton and I alternated weeks between our places. Most days, he was my chauffeur, but today, he had an early morning meeting, so I was driving myself to work.
When I slipped into a pair of my favorite pants, much to my dismay, I couldn’t zip or button them. I tried on a few other pairs with the same result and almost had a panic attack.
“This is an emergency.”
“That’s how it happens, sis. You’re four and a half months and just starting to show. That’s pretty good,” Lariah said.