Everyone at the table laughed at my expense, including me.
“What can I say? We had a lot of chemistry and a great connection. I couldn’t let her slip through my fingers without trying.”
“Clinton and I have worked together for almost fifteen years, and this is the first time I’ve ever met anyone he was dating,” he continued.
Mona looked at me, eyes wide with surprise. “Is that true?”
“I told you I was serious about us.”
“You better be serious since I’m having your baby.” Gasps could be heard around the table, and it took a moment for Mona to realize she’d spilled the beans. “Oops!”
“Did you say what I think you said?”
“You’re pregnant?”
“Nigga, what?”
“You’re having a baby?”
Everyone spoke at once, and it was my turn to laugh at them.
“Y’all chill out,” I told them while Mona’s eyes bounced from person to person.
“Y’all can’t drop no shit like that on us and tell us to chill,” August said.
“Be quiet and let them explain,” Norah said.
“Thank you, Norah,” I said. “So… what had happened was—”
“He didn’t wrap up. I honestly wonder if he knows what a condom is because there wasn’t a single one in sight,” Mona interrupted, telling all our business.
“Ha! Trapping a woman must be required to be in this friend group because these three did the same to us,” Austyn said.
“I didn’t trap—”
“Ain’t no sense in denying it, man. You’re too old to be out here hittin’ it raw and not know the consequences. Admit it, you trapped her,” Evander urged.
Mona bumped my arm with her shoulder, gaining my attention. “You trapped me?”
“Baby, don’t listen to them. I didn’t trap you.”
“I’m not so sure you didn’t.”
“Hold on, Mona. You didn’t tell me to wrap up, so we’re both responsible.”
“This is hilarious,” Austyn said while laughing. “Congratulations, and welcome to Club Trapped.”
Everyone found our banter funny, but thankfully, we moved on to congratulatory remarks.
“So, you’re about three months?” Janeevah asked Mona.
“Great! We can be pregnant besties. I’m a few weeks further along than you.”