I bring my ship down two bays over, positioning myself with a clear view of their vessel. The beacon's signal grows stronger as I power down my engines.
"Time to earn that bounty." I check my weapons - stunner set to maximum, restraints secured at my belt. Everything in its place, just like the military taught me.
Through my viewport, I watch Jesse's crew preparing for their stop. Taluk emerges first, his scales catching the harsh port lights. Then Jesse, her red hair unmistakable even at this distance. Then another woman who stretches dramatically, like she's trying to touch the sky.
No sign of Xander, understandably so, but it's starting to look like he's been left unattended. Unless he was annoying enough for them to dump him in the debris field.
"Here we go," I say to myself as I make my way towards the rust bucket ship.
The landing gear whines as we touch down on Erebus's dusty surface. Through the viewport, the refueling station's neon signs flicker against the perpetual twilight, casting purple shadows across the empty landing pad.
"Stay put," I tell Xander, who's already buried in whatever he's typing on his PerComm. "We'll be back once we've arranged the refuel."
He doesn't even look up. "Understood."
The cargo bay door descends with a hydraulic hiss, and Taluk's scales shimmer as he stretches in the dim light. "That guy gives me the creeps."
"Yeah? His money doesn't give me the creeps at all." I step onto the metal ramp. "Keep your opinions to yourself until after we get paid."
Taluk snorts. "If we get paid. Something's off about him."
"When isn't something off about our passengers?" The metal grating clanks under our boots as we head toward the station's office. "Besides, Marv owes me a favor. We'll be in and out before anyone notices we're here."
"You sure about that?" Rena asks. "Place looks dead."
He's right. The usual bustle of mechanics and cargo handlers is conspicuously absent. My hand instinctively moves to where my wallet should be – except it isn't there.
"Shit." I pat my empty pocket. "Left my wallet on the ship. You two go ahead, I'll catch up."
"Want company?" Rena asks.
"Nah, just get Marv to start the refuel. Back in five."
I turn and head back toward the ship. The shadows between the landing pad lights seem darker than usual, and movement catches my eye. A figure in a dark coat approaches my ship, his blue skin stark against the twilight.
My heart pounds. No one should be anywhere near my ship.
"Need some help there?" My hand rests on my concealed blaster as I call out.
The Kaleidian spins around, silver hair shimmering with light His hand twitches toward his hip before relaxing. "Actually, you might be exactly who I need. This your ship?"
"Depends who's asking." I take a step closer, keeping my stance loose but ready.
"Name's Davin." He spreads his hands, showing they're empty. "Used to run cargo on the Alliance route until raiders hit us last month. Lost my whole crew, my livelihood. Been planetside ever since, looking for work."
"That's a sad story." My eyes scan his clothes – too well-maintained for someone down on their luck. "Raiders are getting bold these days."
"Tell me about it. Took everything except what I had on me." He gestures at his jacket. "Been living off savings, but they're running dry. I've got experience, references if you need them. Willing to take any position available. I can do maintenance, custodial work, I can even flex my muscles at your command."
I swallow something in my throat; I certainly bet he could. The way he’s towering over me is sending a chill up my spine.
But the timing's too perfect. A strange Kaleidian, approaching my ship right when we've got sensitive cargo? My PerComm vibrates – probably Rena wondering what's taking so long.
"References from your old employer?"