Page 83 of No Man Left Behind

He took the carriers for Jem and Boo, leaving her with Scout. “The meeting wrapped up early, so I thought I’d join you and offer an extra set of hands to corral these three after the appointment.”

“Appreciated. I almost called Carl and Jim to help.” The two men still enjoyed visits from the animals, but they’d decided to be favorite uncles rather than part-time foster parents.

Marcus laughed. “Next time, we’ll be more careful scheduling the visit.”

As they walked through the yard, the peafowl, Pretty and Awesome strutted by. Goats bounced in several paddocks with horses, cows, and sheep. “I’m so happy I came to Phail. And that still sounds terrible.”

Marcus laughed with her. “It does, but you get used to it. I’m glad you came to Phail, too.”

When they were almost at the door to the vet’s office, Marcus whistled. Finch boomed a bark in response and raced around the corner, skidding in the dirt as he tried to avoid knocking them over.

He shook himself off and pranced his way into the office.


“Happy Gotcha Day!”

Voices filled the space, and Finch let out another happy bark, pleased to see so many of his friends.

Elina battled emotions as she looked around the room. Kimi and Garrett. Heath, Addy, and Nina. Troy and Piper. Sean and Branna. Isla and Levi. Along with all of their dogs. This wasn’t a vet appointment, after all. It was their Gotcha Day.

Marcus set the cat carriers on a table and put his arm around her shoulder. His eyes shone with the same emotion she felt.

These six men had been heroes overseas. They saved countless lives and helped communities in very challenging areas of the world. While they’d lost Shaggy, the humans had all survived. And now they were together.

Not just surviving, but thriving.

In a town named Phail.

She knew the next poster she’d make, like the one in Marcus’s office. But in this one, she’d draw them as they were now.

Troy in one of his flannel shirts. Sean with his tool belt. Levi and Garrett in their Stetsons. Heath, not in a suit, but in his new uniform of jeans and a sweatshirt. And Marcus in his police chief uniform.

She’d add in their dogs because the animals had helped them change their lives for the better.

And maybe she’d do another, including herself and the other women in the room.

Their family.

Her family.

She sent a quick thank you to her parents. They’d given her so much before she’d lost them. Love. A way to make a difference in the world. They’d be so happy to see her with a new family.

Marcus squeezed her shoulder. “You okay?”

She nodded and swallowed the tears. “I am. I just never thought I’d be so happy or that my life would be so full.”

Marcus kissed her hair. “You deserve it.”

Troy clapped his hands. “No sappy stuff. No red eyes for pictures. You can’t embarrass Finch like that.”

Of course, that had her laughing and the tears dried up.

Kimi directed her and Marcus over to the photo area. Marcus sat on the stool and tugged her onto his lap. Finch came to pose at their side, sitting regally as if he knew exactly what was happening.

The kittens weren’t nearly as dignified. Kimi laughed as she snapped a dozen pictures. “I hope at least one of these is printable.”

While she was in the back printing the photo, Nina set out plates of various colors of paint on the table. They went through the familiar routine of letting the animals choose the paint colors for their paw prints. They put the kittens on the table one at a time with lots of hands ready to help if they decided to roll in the paint.