Page 142 of Engulfing Emma

“Your checks,” the waitress says.

Thank God.

After we leave the restaurant, Dan quickly excuses himself, barely even saying goodbye to me.

Becca laughs as she watches him run away. “That was—”

“A disaster?” I say.

“I was going to say awkward, but yeah.”

I turn to Jordan. “Would you mind screening your friends next time?”

“What exactly are your requirements?”

“Tall, dark and covered with soot?” Becca says, laughing.

“You know that’s not what I mean,” I say. “That guy doesn’t even like kids. I pity his students. And he’s soooooo boring. I mean, coins. Really?”

“I thought boring was what you wanted,” Jordan says.

“Safe and boring are not the same thing, Jordan,” I tell him as we start the walk home.

“I’ll keep that in mind for next time. But maybe you could get me a list of acceptable occupations, hobbies, and interests.”

I hit him in the arm when he starts laughing. “Shut up.”

“So there wasn’t really agirl problememergency?” he asks.

“No. Evelyn’s not there yet.”

We get to my townhouse, and I give them both a hug. “Thanks for walking me home. And thanks for trying.”

“Anytime,” Jordan says.

“Look.” Becca motions across the street.

I look before thinking about it. I see Brett standing near his living room window, holding Leo.

“Now, there’s a guy who loves kids,” Becca says. “And he’s most definitely not boring.”

I quickly look away before he catches me staring. “Et tu, Brute?” I say sharply. “I get enough of that at home, Becca. Can you please back off?”

She holds up her hands in surrender. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” She looks at Jordan. “I just want everyone to be as deliriously happy as we are.”

Jordan kisses her temple.

“Deliriously happy doesn’t last,” I say. “Safety and security do.”

I say goodbye and go up my steps. I’m not sure why I feel compelled to turn around and look across the street once more before I go inside. But I stupidly do. And I see that he’s noticed me. He smiles and puts a hand on the glass.

Me—I do the only thing I can.

I turn and walk away.

Chapter Thirty-seven
