He shoots me a quick wink and ushers me into a giant leather chair, right next to his at the head of the even bigger board room table.

There must be thirty people, mostly men but a few women, all as sharply dressed as Mason and all looking at me like I should be saying something.

“Sorry I’m late,” is all I can manage, and like at a tennis match, all eyes shift to Mason, earnestly looking to him for what comes next.

He picks up where he left off, referring to the screen which has a bunch of graphs and charts on it. Someone passes me a thick, leather-bound portfolio, which I open after noticing everyone else has one and they seem to be studying it with great interest.

Mason continues, “I’d like to thank Marcus Fitch and his team who pulled an all-nighter to get this data to us. Great work, Marcus.”

Mason holds out his hand, singling out one man at the table.

A murmur goes around the table, pages turn and the guy I assume is Marcus stands up, clearing his throat.

Marcus starts to speak, but after about thirty seconds I can’t follow what he’s saying. I look down at my outfit, comparing it to the other women at the table.

Damn, I look pretty good in this, even without the diamond watch.

Mason shoots me a smile while everyone’s noses are following the narrative along with their portfolio data.

Mason lets Marcus run his presentation before summing it up in his own words, which I know is for my benefit only.

The rest of the board are looking at Mason like he’s cracked.

“It’s basically this folks. Thorne industries is changing. It has changed. There’s not going to be any more underhand, behind my back deals… on anything.”

Most eyes are on Mason as I look around, but quite a few aren’t. They’re looking at me and then to the door.

Mason opens a briefcase in front of him, pulling out a stack of large envelopes while he speaks.

“I only found out about a proposed development, a cheap land grab really, because of the auction we ran for the charities the other night. The soup kitchen Ms. McPherson was representing, I found out, was only part of it. Twelve city blocks all bought from the city at giveaway prices, with only a few of you signing off on it, deliberately keeping it from me. Why? Because you know I wouldn’t have gone along with it.”

A few people start to shift in their seats. Mason starts to move around the table, putting one envelope in front of each person. Except me.

No envelope for me.

“If it wasn’t for that auction. If it wasn’t for Ms. McPherson’s generosity and tireless efforts to serve others, I would never have gone down there and I would never have met Florence, the manager who told me the whole place had been bought out from under them.”

Mason stops to let his words sink in. But I can see he’s also struggling not to show his own emotions, especially when he looks at me.

“Mason Thorne does not put people out on the street. Mason Thorne does not kick people when they’re down.”

Someone stands, trying to interrupt Mason, but his pointing finger and look of total contempt sees the man sitting down again quickly.

“You and a few others, including my own personal assistant of twenty years went behind my back and tried to use my name to make more money for yourselves than you thought was fair as part of your tenure with my company.”

The last of the envelopes have been passed out and Mason is back at the head of the table, his leather chair creaking under the grip of his huge hands on the back of it.

“I’m buying back the latest so called Thorne development, by hook or crook. Using the entire company’s assets to back me if need be, and I’ll be buying back every other similar deal that whoever responsible thought they could slip past me.”

Eyebrows go up, a few toss forward their portfolio folders, and a general murmur of disagreement erupts.

“If you don’t like it. If you can’t see a future here at Thorne or if you are one of those who knows they’ve wronged me and my name, open the envelope in front of you.”

The entire room goes silent.

Several men and one woman loudly tear open their envelopes.

“Is that enough?” Mason asks, moving his eyes from them to everyone else sitting around the table.

“Because if it isn’t, then I’ll have legal schedule an appointment to discuss your conduct, maybe even recommend an attorney for you too. But if it is a fair price and you don’t want to play by my rules anymore, there’s your checks and, there’s the door.”

He says it with such force, such definite power, and authority, that I almost get up to rush over and hug him, but I manage to contain myself.