Page 62 of Simon Says

“I don’t need to hear it. Dakota wears her heart on her sleeve, and anyone who knows you can see that you’re more than casually interested. Let Dakota know it, too.”

“I have.”

“Then let her know that she’s special.” Eve propped her hands on her hips and looked him over. “Let’s face it, Simon, you’re gorgeous.”

She said it like an accusation. “Thank you.”

“And sexy.”

He looked around for Dean, but didn’t see him. “Okay.”

“And like my Dean, you have a divine body.”

“You hitting on me, sugar?”

Eve waved away that teasing comment. “There’s no avoiding those damn annoying female fans, so Dakotawillsee you with other women.”

Simon tweaked her chin. “That sounds like experience talking.”

She shrugged. “I see women coming on to Dean all the time. But I know his different looks, and I can see that he’s not interested, that he’s only being polite and removing himself from the situation as quickly and nicely as possible.”

True. Dean had eyes only for Eve. And speaking of Dean…Simon looked beyond Eve and saw his friend approaching. He said loud enough for Dean to hear, “Havoc’s whipped.”

“He’shappy,” Eve corrected. “There’s a difference.”

“Exactly.” Dean’s arms slid around Eve and he hugged her from behind. “The party’s still going full speed, but Gregor and Jacki just left.”

Eve used that opening with the finesse of a master. “Dakota is thinking of leaving, too. I mean, not just tonight, but for good.”

Dean glanced up at Simon. “Since when?”

“She’s not going anywhere,” Simon assured him.

Resigned, Dean released his wife to talk business. “Simon—”

“Yeah, I know. I need to get my head out of my ass.” He gave a crooked grin. “Your wife has explained it all to me in detail.”

Dean looked down at Eve with surprise. “She has?”

“Starting Monday, you’ll have my undivided attention. But tonight, I’m going to take care of some unfinished business with Dakota.”

As Simon walked away, he heard Dean ask Eve, “What was that all about?”

“Just sharing a little female wisdom with him, that’s all.”

Simon grinned. Yep, he was definitely benefiting from Dean’s family connections.

BARBERtucked Dakota safely into a more private corner of the crowded floor, then shielded her with his body before demanding, “What do you mean, you thought someone was watching you?”

Dakota shook her head and leaned around him to look around the room once more. Her sharpened gaze went right past Simon and Bonnie, though they both were giving her more than a little attention. “I don’t know. It just felt…” She frowned and gave up. “Not right.”

Barber didn’t like it. Dakota wasn’t a woman given to hysterics or dramatics, but her life had been such that, no matter how much time passed, he would never discount a possible threat toward her.

“Let me take you home.”

That made her smirk. “To Ohio? Tonight?”

“No.” Unamused, Barber made note of the fatigue on her face. He didn’t like that, either. “Where are you staying?”