They were all animated and laughing, and one woman was toying with the buttons on the front of his shirt.
Dakota’s temper came to a slow boil. “You see? Simon won’t miss me at all.”
Eve rolled her eyes. “Can’t you tell that he’s trapped? This kind of thing happens to him all the time. He can’t help it that he’s gorgeous and women want him.”
As Eve said that, Simon caught the woman’s hand and moved it away from his chest.
Laughing, she brought it right back.
He sidled out of reach—and bumped into another woman behind him.
“There, you see?” Eve shook her head. “I feel so sorry for him.”
“Yeah,” Dakota said with saccharine sweetness, “he’s suffering badly from all the attention.”
Simon looked up and spotted them. His brows snapped down. “Finally.” Lacking subtlety, he freed himself from the women. The one who’d been clinging to him stumbled as he stepped away.
Dakota started forward, saying, “Don’t break up the private party on my account.”
His long legs carried him quickly to meet her halfway in the hall. “There wouldn’t have been a damned private party if you hadn’t taken a vacation in the john.” He scowled at Eve, who had just caught up. “What the hell did you two do in there? Knit a blanket?”
“Talked about you, mostly,” Eve explained.
His dark gaze locked with Dakota’s. “Is that so?”
Her face went hot. “We talked about how I’m leaving.”
“Not with Mallet, damn it.”
Why Simon persisted in thinking he could give her orders, Dakota couldn’t imagine. “His name is Michael and I’ll leave with anyone I want to leave with.”
Roger stepped into the fray. “I hope you have time to talk with me first.”
Everyone went blank.
“You, too, Roger?” Simon asked. “But you’re married, damn it.”
Eve barked a very unladylike laugh. Dakota frowned, having no idea what Simon meant.
Roger fried him with a look. “Happily married, yes.” He dismissed Simon. “Ms. Dream, I’m Roger Sims, the owner here. Your performance was incredible.”
“Thank you.”
“The guests loved you, and a few have already asked me when you’d be back. I spoke with Barber, and he claims that you might be available for employment. I’d like to discuss that with you, if I could.”
“Oh.” Employment? In Harmony? And she hadn’t even been looking. “Thank you, Mr. Sims—”
“Roger, please.”
“All right, Roger.”
Simon growled.
Dakota glanced at him. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m not going to be here much longer.”
“We’re open any night that you are, and I’d be happy to have you here for as long as you are in town.”
“I’m flattered, really I am. But actually, I was planning on leaving tomorrow.”