Simon couldn’t either, not really. “She told me about Barnaby herself.”
“Don’t you think there has to be more to it than that?”
“I’ve been considering the possibility,” Simon admitted.
A small group of women came around the corner, led by Dean’s wife, Eve. They spotted Mallet and Simon, and surged forward with new purpose. Eve laughed. Simon groaned.
Mallet leaned closer to whisper, “You better consider it quick, Sublime. I wasn’t the only one with thoughts about Dakota tonight, and I doubt you’ll be able to warn everyone off forever.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“I’ll give you a few days.”
Simon stiffened.
The women reached them, and Mallet finished, saying, “After that, I’m going to offer to get her whatever it is she needs from this Barnaby dude. And I don’t give a damn whose dad he is.” Mallet saluted Simon seconds before he allowed himself to be drawn into conversation with one of the women.
Eve went on past with a wave.
That left three other females to circle Simon.
He called out to Eve, “Tell Dakota to get a move on, will you?”
Eve laughed again, and disappeared into the ladies’ room.
DAKOTAdampened a few paper towels and patted her face and neck. Wow, it felt good to work. She loved it.
Simon hadn’t mentioned her performance, but everyone else had shown appreciation, so she wouldn’t let that bother her. Especially when she knew that he’d taken notice of her clothes and makeup.
Her hair looked a little worse for the fun she’d had. “I should have bought a purse,” she said to her reflection.
“Maybe I can be of assistance.” Eve held out a hand. “Hi. I’m Dean’s wife, Eve. I loved your performance.”
Surprised, Dakota accepted her hand. Eve was just about her height, but with dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. “Thank you. It was nice of Barber to include me.”
“He’s a good-looking man.”
“Barber? I suppose so.”
Eve smiled and handed her a comb. “Will this help?”
“Thanks.” As she turned to straighten her hair, Dakota explained. “I’m from out of town, and when I came here, I packed pretty light. I had to run out earlier today for the dress, hose, and shoes. But I didn’t even think about a purse and what I usually carry is big enough to be luggage.”
“Do you plan to be in town much longer?”
“I guess that depends.”
“On Simon?”
Her hair as tidy as she could make it, Dakota turned back to Eve to return her comb. “He told you?”
Eve dug in her own small, stylish purse until she found a pen and a small slip of paper. “Dean told me that you two have been cozy. That’s all I know. Here.” She handed Dakota the paper. “That’s my number. If you need to borrow anything while you’re here—like a purse—just give me a call.” She smiled. “I’d be happy to help out.”
“Hey, thanks.” Dakota took a quick, surreptitious glance at Eve. She was a very fashionable woman, very attractive. “So you’re married to Havoc, huh?”
“Yes.” She gave an exaggerated sigh of pleasure. “He’s incredible. Oh, and you know that he and Simon are best friends?”
“I know that Simon trained him.”