Simon wrapped his fingers around her wrist and encountered warm, silky skin and deceptively delicate bones. When she turned her head toward him, her long hair cascaded over her shoulder.
Dakota smelled like misted perfume and looked like scalding temptation. His heart beat faster. “What are you doing here, Dakota?”
A seductive smile curved her mouth. “Just hoping to have some fun.” She freed her wrist, and tipped her chin up to him. “Is that a problem?”
“Depends on who you plan to have fun with.” He directed his attention to the singer—and found him giving Bonnie an interested once-over. Great. If he kept his focus on Bonnie and off Dakota, they just might get along.
“All things considered,” Dakota said with her gaze lingering on Bonnie, “I can’t see how that’s any of your concern.”
“Don’t believe everything you see.”
When the singer felt Simon’s stare, he gave up his scrutiny of Bonnie and held out his hand. “Hey, brother, how’s it going? I’m Barber, a friend of Dakota’s.”
Simon took his hand and held on. “Define ‘friend.’”
A smile flashed. “You know Dakota. She’s a heartbreaker. I’ve tried, but she won’t let me past the front gate.”
“Stop trying.”
Finally catching on to Simon’s hostility, Barber didn’t retreat. His hand tightened on Simon’s and he closed the space between them.
Eye to eye with Simon, and every bit as determined, Barber said, “Out of respect for Dakota’s wishes, I’ve done just that. What about you?” He turned his head to size up Simon. “You been all that’s proper and respectful?”
“Enough already.” Dakota wrapped both arms around one of Barber’s. “If we could bypass the pissing contest, I’d like to get out of here so Simon and his lady friend can get back to theirpersonaldiscussion.”
“We’re done,” Simon said.
“No, we arenot,” Bonnie asserted.
Barber looked between them all, and settled on Simon. His congenial smile returned. “Got a little situation on your hands, don’t you, brother?” He winked. “Too bad for you.”
Before Simon could explain that Bonnie wasn’t an issue, Barber slung an arm over Dakota’s shoulders.
“Hey, babe, I have an idea. Come onstage and do a song with me.”
As if they’d both just dismissed Simon, Dakota laughed. “No way. I’m not horning in, Barber, so forget it.”
But Barber refused to take no for an answer. He headed for the stage, dragging a playfully resistant Dakota with him. When the other men in the band spotted her, they greeted her with familiarity, issuing catcalls and wolf whistles. Dakota just laughed at them.
Simon seethed.
He realized Bonnie was still talking to him when she caught his chin. “Simon! Are you listening to me?”
Fed up, he glared down at her. “No, I’m not listening. If you can’t tell, I’m a little preoccupied here.”
Barber jumped up on the stage and grabbed a mike. “I need y’all to give me a hand in getting my favorite lady, Dakota Dream, up here. Now c’mon, Dakota, honey. Come sing us a song.”
With the band’s encouragement, applause broke out. A group of fighters from the gym looked at Dakota with awe. They knew her, but Simon doubted they knew she performed. Odds were even better that they’d never heard her last name.
They got into the game quickly, making the most racket, pumping their fists in the air and shouting Dakota’s name.
Dakota laughed aloud, shook her finger at Barber, and finally relented. She took off those sexy shoes and handed them to…Mallet?
Simon did a double take. So that’s how she’d gotten to the party? With Mallet as an escort?
That dumb-ass stood there grinning like the village idiot, doing his fair share to convince her to sing.
Bending down, Barber held out a hand to Dakota. She hiked up her snug skirt to display her legs all the way to the top of her thighs. More wolf whistles pierced the air as she planted one foot onto the edge of the raised platform stage and took Barber’s hand. He hauled her up.