Page 6 of Simon Says

And then…Looking at Gregor and Dean, he said, “You know what I want to do?”

Dean glanced at him before returning his attention to the road. “Yeah, I do.”

Gregor frowned. “You do?”

Dean shrugged. “He’s going to fight again.”

Simon’s brows shot up. Damned perceptive bastard. But then he and Dean had been a team for a long time, and they knew each other well. Dean would understand his sudden need for physical competition.

Gregor snorted. “No way. Simon’s a trainer.” No one said anything to that, which made Gregor reevaluate. “A damn fine trainer, for sure. But he’s been out of the circuit too long to—”

“Whip your sorry butt?” Simon asked.

Though Gregor towered over both men, he merely grinned at the subtle threat. “Now, Sublime, I didn’t say that.”

Simon laughed. It wasn’t that Gregor feared him. Hell, Simon doubted that Gregor feared any man. In almost any physical situation, he’d come out a winner.

Just not against Havoc or Simon. Not yet.

Still, it was respect and friendship that made Gregor turn away from a direct challenge.

“Don’t sweat it, Gregor. You’re good and getting better every day.”

A look of conceit spread over Gregor’s face. “Good enough to go up against Havoc now?”

Both Dean and Simon said, “No.”

Gregor’s expression pinched. “You might’ve retired, Havoc, but damn it, I haven’t given up on the idea.”

Dean said nothing, but Simon relented. “Dean’s retired and he’s not coming back just to accommodate you. When the time is right, we’ll find the perfect contender for you. But for now, I’ll need your help. You’re right that I’ve been out of it for too long.”

“You’ve probably forgotten more about submission fighting than most of the fighters will ever know,” Dean told him. “And you’re in great shape.”

“For the average guy, maybe. But not for the SBC. I’m rusty and I know it.”

Gregor rubbed his hands together. “Dean goes from fighting to owning a gym and training, and you go from training to fighting. The world has flip-flopped.” Raw anticipation brightened his gaze. “So when do we get started?”

“Let me talk to the Powers That Be.” Simon considered all the ramifications to reentering the circuit. “I’ll see how they feel about me making a comeback.”

Dean scoffed. “Are you kidding? You’re a legend in your own time. Everyone will love it. You’ll be the biggest draw the SBC has had in years. I don’t have a single doubt that the organization will play up your first fight in a big way.”

“Then I better be ready to win, huh?”

Gregor put his arm around him. “Don’t worry, little buddy. We’ll get you in top fighting form.”

Because Simon stood six-two and weighed over two hundred pounds, only Gregor would refer to him as little.

His mind made up and his immediate future settled, Simon said, “I’m starving. Let’s hit a drive-through for some loaded burgers.”

“Hell, yeah,” Gregor agreed. As the only one of the three currently still competing, fast food, and especially anything as delicious as a hamburger, had been cut out of his diet for a while.

Happy to oblige, Dean pulled into the drive-through line for the next burger joint they saw.

Simon knew that once he hit home, his mom would have a healthy, home-cooked meal for him morning, noon, and night. And once he started training, his diet would be a big part of the program. He wanted to enjoy fast food while he still could.

It was the best way to celebrate his new freedom.

ASif going to her mother’s home—the home she’d grown up in—wasn’t bad enough, it was barely nine in the morning, and Dakota Dream was a night person. Her eyes felt gritty, her brain foggy, and she needed caffeine in a bad way.