Page 48 of Simon Says

“Too late now.” Dakota tapped her fingers on the top of the door frame. Why would Simon do such a thing? “Do I look like a threat somehow? Did he think I’d disrupt the practice or throw off the routine?”

Amused at her assumption, Mallet grinned. “You misunderstand. Simon gave the warning so he could keep you to himself.”

Dakota just blinked at him. Keep her to himself? For what?

Seeing her confusion, Mallet clarified, “He laid claim.”

“Laid claim?” she repeated. “On me?”

“Yeah. But I’ll be damned if I can figure out why, when he doesn’t seem to be pursuing you all that hard. At first, everyone figured he was ready to get back in the game. You know, after breaking things off with Bonnie.”

Who the hell was Bonnie? “Yeah, uh, I’m not up on Simon’s personal relationships.”

“He and Bonnie had a thing going on. They’d been together something like five years, or so I’ve been told. That was before I got to know Sublime better here at Havoc’s gym.”

Dakota wondered what Bonnie might have done to cause Simon to end their relationship. Not for a second did she think to blame Simon. He wasn’t the type to cut bait and run unless he had good reason.

“Anyway,” Mallet continued, “far as I’ve heard, Bonnie’s been chasing him hard and fast, trying to get him back, but Simon’s steered clear of women since. It’s been a while, too.”

“No dating, huh?”

“He’s been in training,” Mallet said with a shrug, as if that explained it all. “But then you showed up and he spread the word that you were off-limits before you’d even been here five minutes.”

Of all the nerve. Caveman tactics had never impressed Dakota. But now, well, it was kind of sweet to think of Simon wanting her all to himself. And romantic, too.

Had her lack of fashion sense appealed to him after all?

But then maybe after getting to know her better, he’d rethought his claim. As Mallet pointed out, he hadn’t exactly been in hot pursuit. Sure, he’d kissed her a few times, but other than when she shanghaied him, he barely paid her any notice at all.

She’d have to see what she could do to get Simon a little more motivated.

Repositioning herself in her seat, Dakota leaned in closer to Mallet. “So. Are you going to the party?”

“Hell, yeah. It’s an SBC party. They’re going to announce the fight cards. I can’t wait to hear the matchups. All the guys from the gym will be there.”

Hoping she didn’t look as frumpy as Simon had indicated, Dakota smiled at Mallet. “Do you have a date yet?”

His blue eyes warmed…with laughter. “No, but I don’t have a death wish, either, so if you’re looking for a ride, forget it. Sublime would have my head.”

His humor rubbed Dakota the wrong way. “He doesn’t own me.”

“Tell him that.”

“I plan to.” She’d tell him that and more.

“Really?” Now Mallet looked alarmed. “Well, for God’s sake, don’t tell him I’m the one who squealed to you.”

“Now, Mallet, you know that Simon wouldn’t actually hurt you.”

Affronted, he drew himself up, showing off his extraordinary height. “I’m not afraid of any man in a fight. But Sublime has clout and I don’t want to get on his bad side.”

“You think he’d blackball you?”

“No.” Mallet complained to himself, and then admitted, “He’s a good guy, the best in the business.”

Dakota touched his arm. “And you want his respect?”

He scoffed at that, but said, “I deserve his respect.”