Page 29 of Simon Says

No way would Simon thank her.

Dakota stayed silent until they got into traffic. Then, knowing he couldn’t very well get out of the truck unless she stopped, she launched into explanations. “His name is Barnaby Jailer, and he just wants to meet you.”

Disgusted, Simon closed his eyes and ignored her.

“I don’t know why, but he said it’s important, and he said he never contacted you before now because he couldn’t.”

“Save it, please.”

“I can’t just go back empty-handed.”

“I don’t think you have a choice, honey.”

“I’m not your damn honey, and we all have choices. You could choose to see him so that—”

“So that you get paid?” A fresh rush of anger burned away the apathy. “Is that it? You low on cash?”

“Great.” Dakota’s hands flexed on the steering wheel. “Now you’re going to be a jerk again?”


“I haven’t forgotten that you refused to even listen to my suggestions about your fighting style.”

Simon’s anger prickled and sharpened beyond all measure. No woman had ever affected him this way. No woman had ever been outrageous enough to talk to him like this.

Insane, he thought, but disappointment drove him as much as anything else did. Despite her being a royal pain in the ass, he’d wanted her.


And now he knew he wouldn’t have her.

He felt the loss like a solid punch to the liver. “You want to know something, Dakota? I put up with you so far because, for whatever odd reason, I thought you were a little sexy.”


It seemed she found that idea as ludicrous as he did. “I figured I’d play along with your whacky nonsense, get laid, and then bid you farewell. But now I have to wonder.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Wonder about what?”

Simon leaned close and put his hand on her thigh.

She stiffened straight as a flagpole.

Voice low and mean, Simon said, “If I go between your legs right now, am I going to find warm woman, or a set of brass balls?”

Taking a sudden sharp turn, Dakota slammed on her brakes, throwing Simon to the side of the truck. She snarled,“Get out.”

Simon already had his seat belt opened and was reaching for the door. “Gladly.”

Her hands had a death grip on the steering wheel. From her neck to her knees, she looked rigid enough to crack.

She didn’t look at him.

She didn’t blink.

Simon had the awful suspicion that she wasn’t just pissed, she was hurt.

And damn it, he regretted that.