Page 24 of Simon Says

“She was flirting with everyone!” he strangled out.

“No, she was visiting while waiting forme. If you’re too stupid to know the difference, that’s your problem. But this is the last time I’m going to tell you: hands off.”

Mallet tried to pry Simon’s forearm away from his throat, but he couldn’t. “You don’t own her, Sublime.”

Simon gave him an evil smile. “Far as you’re concerned, I do. And if I catch you so much as looking at her the wrong way again, my fists are going to have a discussion with your face. You got that?”

Trying for a smidge of bluster, Mallet said, “Maybe I’m not afraid of you.”

“Then you really are dumber than I thought.” Simon released him so that he could show him the error of his ways—and Haggerty materialized out of nowhere.

“If you’re going to draw blood, do it outside the gym. You know Dean’s rules.”

Simon looked at Haggerty, and guessed aloud, “Dakota sent you in, didn’t she?”

“Said she was afraid you’d kill the young’un.” He shrugged, then latched onto Mallet’s arm. “I thought she might be right, so here I am when God knows I have better things to do than babysit idiot fighters.” He led Mallet away, all the while chewing the young man’s ear on rules and propriety and good common sense.

With no release for his anger, Simon fumed. Damn meddling woman, he thought.

Meddling, but also smart. After all, she’d known what he would do. Apparently, Dakota had a big heart, too, if Mallet’s well-being mattered to her after he’d dared to grope her.

Now Simon was the one who needed a cool shower, to bring both his anger and his ardor under control. He wasn’t used to excesses of temper. He fought with brains, not emotion, and he dealt with others the same way.

All his life he’d seen things as black and white. A man needed to work hard, treat others honorably, accept his responsibilities, and along the way have some fun.

Dakota would definitely be fun.

But in his gut, he knew she’d also be dangerous. And he couldn’t ignore the fact that she’d shown up at the worst possible time. He had to prioritize, and that meant training first, fighting second, promoting third…and having fun with a sexy, mouthy, surprising broad fell somewhere way down on the long list.

He’d be smart to get the hell away from her.

That is, if she’d let him. As he’d pointed out to Dean, it was a free world and if Dakota chose to hang out at the gym, he couldn’t stop her. Right?

While he showered, Simon made up his mind. He’d find out what Dakota wanted, then he’d send her on her way.

He wouldn’t touch her, damn it.

He wouldn’t seduce her.

He wouldn’t do all the things to her that he really wanted to do.

That decision put him in a bad enough mood. But after he redressed and went out to the main floor to find Dakota, his mood took a dangerous turn for the worse.

Dakota had removed her ridiculous black work boots. One of the heavyweights sat on the floor holding those and her satchel in his lap. He was joined by other fighters, some standing, some sitting.

None working.

They were all too busy watching Dakota, encouraging her, ogling her as she halfheartedly sparred with Mitch McGee.

Damn it, did no one take him seriously anymore?

McGee spotted Simon before Dakota did. He froze, which was unfortunate because Dakota expected him to block a kick. He didn’t. She spun around, and her foot connected with Mitch’s chin. Eyes crossing, mouth going slack, Mitch staggered backward and bounced against the ropes.

“Oh, my God!” Dakota ran to him. “Mitch! I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

With growing irritation, Simon watched her fawn over McGee. What he felt was not jealousy. No. It wasn’t.

Hell, no.