“HOWcome we’re doing all the work, and you’re just directing?”
Simon glanced at his friend Dean—better known as Havoc when he’d competed—and he grinned. “Both you dumb asses owe me, that’s why.” As one of the very best trainers in the SBC—Supreme Battle Championship—fighting biz, Simon had taken Dean to the top until Dean had retired to open his own gym. Before long, Simon would have Gregor leading the pack, too. Gregor had real talent, but he lacked finesse. They were working on it.
To Gregor, who held up the back end of the king-size mattress, Simon said, “Slow down. You’re knocking Havoc over.”
“Havoc is a pussy.”
Quietly ornery, Dean planted his feet, throwing off Gregor’s forward momentum and causing him to lose his balance, and the hold on the mattress. It dropped to the floor and Gregor nearly fell on his face.
Before things got out of hand, Simon unlocked the front door and stepped into the condo he shared with Bonnie. “Leave that in the hall until we get the old mattress out of here.”
“A new mattress,” Dean said around a chuckle. “Helluva way to celebrate five years with a woman.”
“Yeah, Sublime,” Gregor said, using Simon’s fighting name, though Simon had given up fighting a few years back to manage fighters instead. “If you’ve worn out the mattress, don’t you think you ought to go ahead and make it all legal?”
Acknowledging the sexual reference with a smile, Simon said, “We’re waiting for the right time,” as he led the way to the bedroom. He didn’t add that the “right time” had come and gone more than once. For whatever reason, Simon always balked at the idea of tying himself down legally, emotionally, and officially. Not that he wanted anyone other than Bonnie; he was a one-woman man, through and through. Bonnie met all his needs, especially in the bedroom. And they got along well.
But still…
As usual, Bonnie had everything neat and tidy, with the bed made, the room well dusted, and all clutter put away. He really enjoyed her tendency toward neatness, given he was a bit of a neat freak himself.
Simon scooped the designer comforter and matching pillows off the bed and put them on a nearby chair. “Grab that side, Havoc, and we can move the mattress into the hallway.”
Gregor took the opportunity to look around the large room with curiosity. “Jacki ain’t much for housekeeping,” he mentioned. “But then, I’m not either.” He leveled a look on Dean. “And making the bed is pointless, since—”
“Shut up, Gregor.”
Simon grinned. Ever since Gregor had married Dean’s sister, he’d had a great time ribbing Dean. And Dean, who used to claim he wasn’t a protective brother at all, always took the bait.
Ignoring his friends’ knowing grins, Dean hefted up his end. “Eve is orderly, but not in an obsessive way.”
“You’ve both found your perfect counterparts.” The best part, from Simon’s perspective, was that the women didn’t fuss when Dean and Gregor had to spend months away, Gregor to fight and Dean to play corner man. Now that Dean had his own gym, they could do most of their training in town, but there were still extended trips out of the country to occasionally train with other camps. Variety added a lot to a fighter’s repertoire. And then there was the endless promotion, finagling sponsors, and autographing events.
As icing on the cake, the wives enjoyed the sport, even if they didn’t understand it. Not only did they not get in the way, they offered positive encouragement.
As they eased the old lumpy mattress to the side of the bed, several photos fell out to the floor. Dean froze, leaving Simon to balance the heavy mattress.
Gregor bent to pick up the shots. “What’s this? You stashing porno, Sublime? Bonnie will have your head if she finds out you—”
The words dropped away.
Expression arrested, Gregor looked up from the photos. Anger tinged his obvious shock.
Simon frowned at him. “I’m too old to hide porno under the mattress, you ass.” He set his side of the mattress onto the floor, leaving the bed only partially askew.
“Yeah, uh…” Tight-faced, Gregor pulled at his ear in uncertainty.
Finding his reaction more than curious, Simon stared at him. “What is it, Gregor?”
“Well…” Gregor looked at Dean as if seeking assistance.
“You look ill, damn it.” With an awful foreboding, Simon strode toward him. “Hand them here.”
Gregor took a quick step back.
Dean said softly, “Wait, Simon.”