“Dakota wasn’t wearing a skirt.”
“Dakota Dream.”
Gregor and Dean shared amused looks. Dean said, “With a name like that, she sounds like a—”
“Yeah, I know,” Simon cut in. “But she’s touchy about it, so don’t tease her.”
Dean’s amusement turned to a scowl. “How the hell do you know she’s touchy?”
“I could tell.”
“I have a solution for you: No one can tease her if she doesn’t hang around.”
“She’s coming back tomorrow.” And Simon added, “Same bat time, same bat station.”
Dean ignored all that. “If she shows up, you need to send her packing.”
“It’s a free world, Dean. Women can go wherever they want these days.” He smiled at his friend. “Even to your gym.”
Gregor said, “But she’ll have to pay to stick around tomorrow.”
Simon nodded. “I know.”
“And there’ll be a lot more guys here then, too. It’s always the busiest day. Crowded as hell. I thought we’d skip it.”
“I thought so, too,” Dean added.
Simon frowned. Fridays were always busy because a handful of veteran fighters made the trip to Dean’s gym, which meant that all the newer men also showed up to observe, listen, and learn.
It worked out well for all involved. The established fighters got to spar with fresh blood and bone up on new and varied techniques, and novices got the opportunity to get in some authentic practice.
“I’ve decided to be here.”
Gregor and Dean studied him.
Simon didn’t care what they thought, but still he said, “I figure I should get in as many days as I can before competing again.”
They studied him some more.
“Hey,” Simon snapped, fed up with their awkward looks and insulting conjecture—even if they were right. “You two don’t have to hang around if you’ve got something better to do. I only plan to work out, not spar.”
To Simon’s chagrin, they both jumped on his excuse.
“Eve would enjoy having me home for a full day for a change.” Dean barely smiled while saying that. “And Haggerty will be here to run the place. It’s not like I’m needed.”
“Jacki will be thrilled to have me all to herself,” Gregor added.
“Selfish bastards,” Simon said without venom. Ready to call it a day, he headed for the corner where the clean towels were kept. A hot shower sounded heavenly. “You know, since you mentioned skirts…I wonder what Dakota would look like in something less rugged.”
“Don’t,” Dean told him.
“Don’t what?”
“Wonder about her.” Dean tapped himself on the forehead. “Let the bigger head do all the thinking, and think only about the competition.”
“I had no idea you were such a mother hen.”