Page 159 of Simon Says

“Well, why didn’t you say so?” He rubbed his hands together. “Let’s go.”

Dakota fretted, and damn it, she was not a fretting type of woman. She snapped at the men, saying, “Neither of you gets to kill Marvin. That would just get you in trouble, too.” On impulse, she hugged Michael. “He’s a dirty fighter. He carries a knife. Please don’t let him pull a fast one on Simon.”

Michael patted her back. “Sublime will be fine, I promise.”

Barber pulled Dakota from Michael and into his arms. “We’ll be careful, so don’t worry.” He turned to Harley. “Don’t take any chances.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

A few seconds later, Dakota watched their taillights disappear down the road. As she stepped past Harley, she said, “I appreciate your help.”

“Not a problem.” He kept pace with her toward the motel. Though he, too, only wore a T-shirt, he didn’t look the least bit cold.

He reached the door before her and pulled it open. Just as Dakota started in, running footsteps sounded behind them and someone kicked the door. It shut hard and fast, yanking Harley forward and causing Dakota to stumble back. Harley let out a curse, but he turned so fast he was a blur.

Three men had their faces hidden behind ski masks. Dakota knew one of them was Marvin, and her heart dropped to her knees. As Harley attacked, she backed up a step, so scared that her vision blurred. Pandemonium exploded.

One man stood to the side while the other two fought. Harley threw kicks and took some punches. Dakota noticed that his right arm hung funny and that he wasn’t using it for much. Dear God, had he gotten hurt when the door slammed?

She couldn’t tell by Harley’s manner because he smiled as he kicked out, catching one of the men in the chin and sending him flat to his back. With a fast left jab, he staggered the other man.

And suddenly, Gregor stepped out of the shadows. “Howdy, folks.”

The two men tried to scatter, but they didn’t get far. One fell beneath Gregor’s enormous fist, and the other took Harley’s knee to his solar plexus. Slumped on the ground, neither of them looked capable of much movement.

The third man looked back and forth between them before staring at Dakota with palpable rage. Gregor pointed a finger at him. “Don’t even think about movin’. I’ll be pissed if I have to chase you down.” He bent to the first man and yanked off his mask. “That him, Dakota?”

Shocked, Dakota stared at the man. She’d never seen him before.

“Dakota,” Gregor said again. “Is that him?”

Marvin? She shook her head.

“Huh.” Gregor reached for the other man’s mask and dragged it off, too. “This one?”

“No.” Both men were scruffy, already bruised up, and unrecognizable to her. “I don’t know them.”

Gregor straightened to his full impressive height and crossed his arms over his chest.

“You know what that means, darlin’?” Gregor nodded his head toward the last man. “This one here has to be the burr in your backside. Now, if it was up to me, I’d let Harley hold him while I broke all his joints. But Simon has other ideas.”

“Simon?” She had no idea what Gregor meant. In fact, she had no idea why Gregor was here. “What—”

Knowing he didn’t stand a chance against Harley and Gregor, the last man let out a roar and surged toward Dakota. Taken off guard, she tried to stumble back, but fell.

He wrapped an arm around her neck and yanked her back to her feet. Fear immobilized her. It was Marvin. She felt it.

Harley moved to the side. Gregor did the same. What were they doing? She clutched at the arm restraining her, gasping for breath, until she heard someone say, “Easy now.”

That voice sank through her fear and she whispered, “Simon?”

“Right here, honey.” Simon stepped forward. “Marvin’s not going to hurt you. You won’t let him.”

With his free arm, Marvin jerked off his mask. “The hell I’m not. Back off, all of you.”

“Ain’t happenin’,” Gregor said.

“Not on your life,” Harley agreed.