Harley laughed. “Yeah, right.”
And theybothdid some more looking.
Simon rubbed his brow. He couldn’t believe this. In a calmer voice, he asked, “Why are you guys here?”
“Just visiting,” Mallet said, and then he explained, “Barber’s going to be leaving soon.”
“No reason to stay,” Barber said, and he looked at Dakota with meaning. “At least, I didn’t think there was. Now…” He shrugged.
That set off Simon’s temper more. He knew if he walked off on Dakota, Barber would step in.
Would she let him? Would she replace him that easily?
Fed up and frustrated beyond belief, he yelled,“Son of a bitch,”but verbal venting didn’t help that much.
Because he wasn’t a man to lose his temper, everyone stared at him, and into the chaotic mix, his phone rang. All but snarling, Simon turned his back on all of them and snatched up the phone. “What is it?”
“You want to see me, champ?”
Marvin.Though he’d never spoken to him before, Simon knew it had to be him. Obviously Barnaby hadn’t followed his instructions, not that it mattered now. He’d take any chance to meet up with Marvin.
Simon glanced back at Dakota. She stood watching him with her arms crossed and her bare foot tapping.
Furious, but safe. He’d made sure of that.
Taking two more steps away from her, Simon said, “Damn right I do.”
“I’m outside your buddy’s gym.”
“The gym?” That didn’t make any sense. Not only was it a busy section of town, but a few fighters might still be there.
Surely Marvin knew that.
To get what he wanted, Simon played along as if he believed him. “You’re dumber than I thought.”
Marvin didn’t take the bait. “You think you want some, then come on. I’m here, and I’m ready.”
Anticipation sizzled through Simon’s veins. “Fine. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
“Dakota know you’re doing this?”
“No.” Simon looked at her again. “And if you have any smarts at all, you’ll keep it to yourself.” He disconnected the call, gave himself two seconds to think, then strode back to her.
At his approach, she straightened. “What’s going on? What’s at the gym?”
Damn, she had good ears. Slipping an arm around her back, he got her moving. “Come here.”
Trotting alongside him as he led her to her room, Dakota said, “What is it?”
Simon propelled her inside. “You’re almost naked.”
Glancing down at herself, she shrugged. “I’m covered.”
“Just barely. It doesn’t take much imagination to rid you of that shirt, and trust me, those three in the hall have plenty of imagination.”
She curled her lip. “Gee, and here I thought you didn’t care anymore.”
“Stop pushing me, Dakota.” She could be the most infuriating and sexiest woman he knew. “We have a lot to sort through, but right now, I need to go.”